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Joshua pov:

I was kinda nervous i hope jeonghan says yes i came to school early today but jeonghan wasn't there yet maybe he is running late i will ask him during recess.

Luckily he came before teacher he was panting as if he ran some marathon or something. "Are u ok? U need water ?" I gave him my bottle.

He thanked me " Actually i played games till late night so i woke up late which is why i have to run like this."

"Oh do you had breakfast?" I asked.

"No since i didn't had time for that".

"Here u can have some of my chocolates " i gave him some of my chocolates that i received today from bunch of students .

"Oh u r such an angel shua"


"Oh that's my new nickname for you since we r friend now do u like it?"

"It's cute"

"But you are cuter"

"Not more than you" i flirted back.

Soon teacher came and we started focusing on the lecture.

At the recess time i was trying to find jeonghan when jun came.

"Hey joshua hyunh what's up!"

"Hey, did you saw jeonghan anywhere?"

"Nah why aren't you both in same class you should know where he is"

"I was just keeping my books and idk where he disappeared"

"Oh btw what about your confession? I wanna see who is your crush!!" Jun said .

"Yeah i didn't forgot I'm going to confess today only then you can see who my crush is" joshua replied.

"Hyung look there isn't that jeonghan hyung" jun pointed somewhere.

I looked there just to find out jeonghan hugging someone not gonna lie i was little jealous.

"Who is he hugging?" I didn't meant to say it loud tho.

"Oh he is s.coups jeonghan's childhood friend" jun said.

"How did you know him?"

"I have my ways , btw why are you so curious about jeonghan's hyung friends " jun said smirking . " Wait don't tell me jeonghan hyung is your crush" jun said while covering his mouth dramatically.

"W..what are you taking about, jeonghan is not even my type"

"Oh really then why were you glaring at s.coups when he was hugging jeonghan" jun asked while crossing his arms.

"I wasn't glaring! I was just looking , let's go we should eat our lunch" I said.

"It kinda sus , but ok if you say so maybe i misunderstood let's go "

To be continued....
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