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It was a monday morning joshua was getting ready for school . Today he chose to wear perfume which smells like strawberry definitely not because jeoghan likes strawberry but just cuz he wanted too.

Joshua pov:

As he entered the school everyone crowded some offered him chocolates , some offered him roses and he just accepted them and thanked everyone with his beautiful smile. It was like a daily routine for him it's not easy being school heartthrob after all.

As he went inside the class his eyes landed on the guy sleeping at the back of the class. He sighed "i can't believe him it's the first class and he is already sleeping ". I went to my seat which was at the front of jeonghan.

Soon teacher entered the class and everyone stood up to greet him yup including jeonghan. " All though jeoghan is backbencher he still has some manners " I thought to myself while smiling.

"Ok class you can solve this question paper in pairs so now choose your partner" As teacher announced this.
Everyone wanted to be my partner except jeonghan of course he was not even interested in finding partner he started doing his work alone.

Since everyone was fighting to be my partner, so teacher said that you all will be paired according to the person sitting behind you. I was so happy while jeoghan was looking confused while looking at wall behind him .

He is cute i laughed and said to him "Are you stupid you are my partner of course" he just replied with a "oh..."

"Ok let's do the work " i said "i have almost done half of it you can do the other half" he said .

"Wait really?" I looked at the work and he actually did half of it all alone plus it was correct too . "I didn't know you were that smart" i told him. He just rolled his eyes at my statement.

"Just cuz I'm sleeping in half of the class doesn't mean I'm stupid " he said while pouting.

"Why is he so cute?" I was just staring at him. So he said "uh.. i can do other half too since you are not doing it"

"Oh I'm sorry I'm doing it " i started doing the work while he went back to sleep.

"How can someone look that gorgeous while sleeping , how am i supposed to focus on the work he is so distracting" i whispered to myself while groaning.

He suddenly woke up "oh sorry i slept do you need any help with your work let me see " he snatched the book from my hand and started doing it .

Soon our work was done so i went back to my seat after thanking him for doing most of the work.

to be continued....

I saw that classroom epsiode of gose and in that ep everyone wanted shua as their benchmate (including jeonghan obv) and about shua he wanted jeonghan . So you can say this idea came from there. Hope you like it.

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