Somewhere behind us you could hear one of the palace staff crying. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.

Edmond stood beside me, his big black body flush against my own silver one. A streak of red caught my attention as a goofy, panting wolf lumbered up next to me.


He looked at me with his goofy Reuben grin as he sat down. I shook my head as he should have still been resting. A sleek blonde and black wolf came up behind him, sitting beside him shaking her head.


She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes.

'I don't think she's happy that he's here.'

'He's not supposed to be here. I would be mad too.'

'Well, the more wolves we have to help, the better.'


'Why did we retreat?' Edmond thought to me.

'Remember that dream I had a while ago?'

"Yeah, I remember,' he thought.

'Well, this is it. This is the battle.'

'Are you sure?'

'I am. Everything is matching perfectly. The enemy hoard. Us running across the meadow. I had to change it. I'm not letting that vision come true.'

He put his paw on top of mine and stared into my eyes.

I looked over at Harmony. She was crouched back, it didn't take a dog expert to know she was terrified. The floor beneath all of our paws shook as though an earthquake were shaking our world. A small thud echoed in the area we stood. Followed by more thuds and crashes.

"They're here!" someone from the very back cried. "They're going to get in!"

A few of the wolves whimpered and a howl resounded. It seemed like we were doomed.

"Um, El, not to sound whiny or anything, but how much longer until the rest of the army is here?" Zephyr asked.

I shrugged my furry shoulders, wondering the same thing. 

Taking a few deep breaths I prepared to have one of the doors opened with the hopes that if they had to funnel it would be easier to take them out.

As I grabbed for one of the tapestry's on the wall, ready to shift I heard an incredible roar. I tugged the tapestry down and quickly shifted. With it wrapped around my body, I ran through the hall and up a set of stairs. Opening the shudders of a window, relief washed over my body.

The army arrived!

Shifting back into my wolf form, I ran to the hall and nudged at the door. One of the guards who hadn't shifted unlocked and pushed it open, allowing us to run out. Arrows rained down from the battlements as the Blackpaw Howler pack and other mythics charged at the enemies.

The battlefield became a chaotic scene as the rest of the army clashed with the oncoming horde. The sound of swords clashing, magical spells being cast, and roars of fierce creatures filled the air. Wolves leaped into the fray, their fangs bared, while the unicorns used their horns to pierce through the enemy lines.

I fought alongside Edmond, tearing into the goblins and dodging the swings of the ogres' massive clubs. The battle was fierce and unforgiving, but we held our ground, pushing back the enemy forces with every ounce of strength we had.

But just as we began to gain the upper hand, a piercing screech cut through the chaos. All eyes turned to the sky as a massive shadow swept over the battlefield. It was Ares riding on the back of a fearsome dragon.

Ares eyes locked onto me, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "Well, well, well, if it isn't our little hero," she sneered. "You thought you could escape your fate, didn't you? But I'm afraid destiny has other plans."

I stopped, frozen, staring at the man. He was shielded in all black armor with a black mist emanating form his body. He was even more terrifying than Enyo.

Without warning, he raised his sword and unleashed a devastating blow against our army, engulfing the battlefield in a swirling vortex of energy. The ground quaked beneath our paws as the air crackled with power.

In the midst of the chaos, I locked eyes with Edmond, his expression a mix of determination and concern. We had come so far, fought so hard, but now our lives and the fate of our kingdoms hung in the balance once again.

"Stay together! We can't let her break us!" I howled to my pack, rallying them amidst the onslaught of magic and enemies. We fought valiantly, but it was clear that Hera's power was far greater than anything we had faced before.

As the battle raged on, the scene faded into darkness, leaving only the haunting echo of our desperate cries and the ominous laughter of Ares. And in that moment, everything hung in the balance. The fate of our world, our loved ones, and our own survival teetered on the edge of uncertainty.

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