chapter 18

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Jin entered the room where taehyung was standing in front of window.. back facing to door......Jin placed file at sofa before going to taehyung

"Taehyung can we talk?.."

"Yes ofcourse Luna...!"

"Taehyung please don't take me wrong but I'm compel to do this..please forgive my son ....I have witnessed how he loves you he spent these five years...I know he was the one who was at fault...but now he was changed he wanted his family together.....
I know I'm asking big thing from you...but I also how you love him till now even though he treated you so bad.."

"Please son forgive him ...I begged you if you say I'm also ready to apologized from you ...but please don't suffer yourself and Both have responsibilities of three kids ...please forgive him......"

"Luna ...!"

Taehyung flinched as Jin tried to touch his feet ...

"Taehyung please let me do this ....I can't see my son dying in front of me .."


Jin looked up as taehyung mumbled....Jin get up to brought that papers...he handed those paper to taehyung who looked at him confused....

"Jungkook have clinical depression "

"Clinical depression is the more-severe form of depression, also known as major depression or major depressive disorder. It isn't the same as depression caused by a loss, such as the death of a loved one, or a medical condition, such as a thyroid disorder."

"Luna !"

" He is not treating this disease.and you know People living with untreated depression can experience a variety of physical health problems that can lead to death in some cases. In addition, in severe cases, a person living with depression may contemplate suicide. They may also resort to substance misuse for self-medication, which can lead to death."

"If you tried this behaviour with Jungkook he ca-n also attempt to kill himself "

"No lun-a please don't say like this.i don't let this happen "

Taehyung said desperately as Jin told him about Jungkook condition...

"I love him Luna ...I love him most in this world...I don't forgive if he ever leave me again"

"I'm going to him where he is??"

Jin smiled at taehyung behaviour who is desperately waiting for his reply....

"You are so selfless...I wish all the happiness for you both ..go he is in my room.."

Jin said pecking his forehead who nodded like a puppy before going to Jungkook.......


Jungkook was sitting silently as Jin stressed him to take rest ..but he was thinking about his life...where he lost his mate first,his love and his daughter..

"I don't think I have to live... people like me don't deserve this world ...I can die it's better it's best all of them ...then taehyung can find a person who loved him most ....I don't deserve him..yes this is right.."

Jungkook mumbled taking knife from fruit basket and putting it at his wrist....


Jungkook flinched at taehyung shout...

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