Mike's Past

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Third Person Pov:

Mike Leonardo Romano.  A smart and hardworking person since he was a child. When he was a child he didn't know that his parents were in the Mafia until he was seven. He started training from there learning how to become a leader and rule the underworld.
When Mike was 13 years old, he made his first kill by killing some rapist guy. From then he trained harder and harder to rule the underworld.
Later he had a baby brother whom Mike sworn to protect with his whole life.
During these times Mike knew what love was but never got to experience it. His father, Micheal Romano was a very brutal and heartless man only marring Mike's mom in a arranged marriage he never loved his son, he was not even sure that Mike was actually his son. But it started to get worse when Marcus - Mike's little brother got older and also started to train, the beating,  the punching, the screaming had all been Mike's memory of his Dad. His Dad used to abuse his mom and his mom- Liliana Romano stayed with Micheal because she 'loved' him. That day Mike released that love makes you weak and not see what is good and bad. They always said 'Love Is Blind' but Mike believed that love makes people blind, it makes it hard to tell what is right and what is wrong.

One day Mike was in college,  a college very near his home. He was never noticed because people were intimidated by his dark demeanor, his muscular body, and a face that never smiled and only expressed anger. Until he met this girl- Evelyn Monet,  a young, beautiful and very naive woman. Mike never could get her name only because it was hard for an Italian guy to pronounce a French name. So instead he called her 'amore' and that was the first girl he had ever been in love with until one day he arrived home from school and his father had a gun to this girl's head. Mike begged and pleaded with his father not to kill the love of his love, unwilling his father agreed and Mike held Evelyn in his arms keeping her safe until a gun shot was heard and Evelyn fell to the ground.  Mike looked at his father,  he was holding the gun , he was the one who killed Evelyn Monet. His first love, he left Evelyn on the floor and run to his room. From that day he stopped believing in love, he had a fear of love that day he started to have Philophobia- The fear of falling in love.

But what Mike did not know was that Evelyn was still alive. Being a heiress of the French Mafia, you always had to be safe. She was actually wearing a bullet-prof vest. When the cleaners came they took her away and went back to France. Since that Day Evelyn Monet hated Mike and his whole family.  That is why she came to the Mafia Ball with Saint because Saint is a traitor working for the French Mafia getting more information about the Spanish and Italian Mafia.  And now that Mike has a weakness, Evelyn can finally attack. Alexander Russo failed but Evelyn had hope and she trusted Saint to do his job well.


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