Chapter 18

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I didn't feel like waking up, my bed was cold, Mike was not next to me and I already missed being in his arms. I picked myself off the bed and looked at the view of Italy. My last night here, I shook off my thoughts and went to take a shower. I wore a simple Jean and a white t-shirt. I did light makeup and did my hair. I took my suitcase and called a cab, I looked at the view once again and felt tears dropping onto my cheeks, I look around my room as I left my letter to Vanessa, a letter to Mike and a letter to everyone else. Telling them that I had to leave them without saying goodbye. I went down the stairs silently to see Saint waiting for me. "Let's go." I say and we got in the car, it was a very silent ride as we drove through the beautiful place called Italy. I'm leaving everything behind, my best friend, my sister aka Lily, my friends that have turned into my family and the love of my life, Mike Romano. I couldn't just let go but I had to, a deal is a deal.
Mike's POV:
I woke up and took a shower, the guilt was killing me on the inside, I needed to speak to Zorya. I went downstairs to check up on her but only found Vanessa and Marcus. "Good morning. Have you seen Zorya?" I asked them, "No. Check her in her room." Vanessa says and I walk up to her room. I knocked and heard nothing, I knocked again but then decided to just enter. "Zorya." I say and I look at 3 purple envelopes sitting on her bed, I took them and went downstairs to find Mira and Lily have finally woken up. "Guys. I found something." I say looking at the first envelope, "It says to Mira, To Lily, To Marcus, From Zorya." I told them and everyone gathered around to listen.
Que The Music:

Dear Everyone:
I know I may have left you in such short notice but I had to, for your own good.
If you are reading this it means I have already left, I will not be going home but somewhere else.
Please do not call me, do not look for me, I promise I'm fine.
I remember the first day I came to the house, I didn't know most of y'all.
But I got to know each of you as individuals, I have grown to love each and everyone one of you, you have become my new family, I will always remember you, I will miss laughing with you in the living room, I will miss you Marcus, I'll miss your stupid jokes and your cheesy pickup lines. I will miss you Lily, I will miss your sarcastic comments about everything, I will miss planning on how to kill Mike with you. I will also miss you Mira,you have become one of my favorite people, I have grown to love you, your personality and everything about you.
I'll miss everyone, I have grown addicted to each of you and I will never stop loving you all.
Please don't be angry at me, I'm doing this to protect us, to protect our feelings.
Do not blame Mike, he's right I have overstayed my welcome. I don't promise to visit or call in fact I will never see you again. I'm leaving and I plan to leave forever.
I never got to say goodbye but I'm saying it now,


I read the letter and Lily cried, she cried for her friend or her now sister. "What did you do Mike?" She asked me, Vanessa looked confused, sad but very confused. "Let's read mine. I'm sure Zorya told me something." Vanessa says opening her letter.

Dear Vanessa,

Vanessa Carina Diaz, my best friend, my other half. I know that me leaving you will break your heart but please stay strong. I know you will be a great mom to your daughter. I have always loved you best friend, I know this will break you and crush you on the inside. But stay strong for me, I will always be your best friend, I can never find someone better than you, I could never replace you mi tesoro. You know that I love you so much, Te amo con todo mi corazón. Siempre te amaré, por los siglos de los siglos.

Te amo,

(I love you with all my heart. I will always love you forever and ever)

She started crying as well, "Fuck you Mike. Fuck you." She says as Marcus hugged her, "You fucked up man, big time." Marcus says. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that man. It's just..." I say but stopped not wanting to admit it. "You love her don't you?" Marcus says looking at me. I love her, yes, I do, and I would never want to lose her. "Yes , I love her a lot." I admit to him and myself. "Then tell her man, not me." He says and I open my envelope to find her wedding ring inside, that discouraged me to read the letter so I called her, again and again and again, I called Saint but still no answer. I hesitated but still got in the car and drove to the airport expecting to find her there, nothing all the planes had already left. I called Chris.

C: Hey man
M: Hey. Have you seen Zorya?
C: She told me that she was leaving to go somewhere, I also don't know where. She told me that she wouldn't contact me unless it's an emergency. But she also told me to tell you something.
M: Tell me now
C: Never ever contact her again. She doesn't love you and she never will.
M: Oh, Ok. Bye.
I say ending the call and driving back home. I got in my room and drank away my problems. I cried for the first time in forever, I cried for my Zorya. I love her, she's everything I want, I want to spend the rest of my life with her but here I am fucking it up and letting her out of my sight. I haven't cried since I lost her, my first love, Estrella. I knew the girl she was my first girlfriend but my father had to kill her. That was the last time I cried but today I broke down. I lost the love of my life again.
13 Years Ago: Third Person Pov

Mike walked down the alley finding himself home. He thought about school, the boring place in the world, but today was different way too different. It was fun, thrilling and even exciting. She made school fun, her personality just made him feel things he's never felt before. He got home with a smile on his face. She was the most beautiful thing in the world, her brown eyes and beautiful pink lips he wished he could get a taste of. He opened the door to find her in his house, they looked at each other, each wanting a taste of the other. Mike's father held a gun against her head, she was crying. "Dad? What are you doing?" Mike asked . "Don't worry. Say Goodbye Now." He said. Mike stepped forward and kissed the unknown girl. He knew her but never knew her name. Mike kissed the girl, this was his first kiss and he enjoyed it very much. "Dad. Please don't do this." Mike said holding the girl's face. "Fine." He's dad say. He held the girl and hugged her. But suddenly a bullet hit and the girl fell down. He held her trying to wake her up but she had already stopped breathing, he cried for the unknown girl. He cried for the first time in forever, he broke down for a mysterious girl. He kissed the girl and left her there heading to his bedroom waiting for his dad to come and beat him up.

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