"Lame." He leaves and goes to bathroom, I chuckle a little

I talk to the boys for awhile, I debate with Soda on wether or not 'The Ronettes' were a good group or not, I say yes but he says no. Johnny and Ponyboy have been talking to each other, Two was very invested in Mickey Mouse, and Darry was reading the paper.

"There is no way that 'The Ronettes' are better than Ella Fitzgerald, there's no way." Soda argues

"Ella Fitzgerald had like two good songs, all of The Ronettes songs are good. Plus I don't even like Ella that much." Soda looks offended

"You're just mad you can't sing like her." He says sassily.

"And I think you just have a crush on her." I cross my arms and try to look serious but I'm having a hard time not laughing. Soda rolls his eyes and I give up trying to hold it in and burst out laughing. He starts laughing too.

     We continue playfully bickering with each other till Ponyboy proposes an idea "You guys want to play a board game?"

"That sounds like a great idea!" I love board games!

"Sure" Two-But says not taking his attention off the TV

"That sounds fun" Johnny sits down next to me

Soda walks over to the closet and opens it looking at the top shelf "What game?"

"You chose!" Pony tells him. After a couple moments of Soda contemplating he grabs a game and walks back to the living room. The game he picked is 'Monopoly!' Aw hell, I'm no good at that game. We all sit down in a circle on the floor as Soda sets up the game.

"I call the dog!" I grab the little metal dog and place it on the 'Go!' square.

"Damn it! I wanted that one," Two-Bit frowns, I swear he is just a big man child. "I guess I'll get the car."

   Johnny, Pony, and Soda all get their pieces and we start to play, I get off to a pretty good start but quickly start losing.

     I don't even know how long I've been playing for anymore, it feels like weeks. I check my watch TWO HOURS are you kidding me? "It has been two hours since we started playing this dumb game can someone win already?"

"It isn't a dumb game, you're just mad that you're broke." Johnny points out

"I don't have that much money either but I still enjoy it. I think Stacy is just a sore loser."

"Soda, I have 27 dollars and you have 200 I don't want to hear 'I don't have much money either'" I mock him which makes the gang laugh

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever sore loser." He laughs and rolls the dice.

      We continue playing and after another hour, me, Soda, and Two-Bit have all been bankrupt by Ponyboy who owns 90% of the board. Two went back to watching TV but Soda and I kept watching the game. Johnny was quickly running out of money and Pony was winning, but Johnny owned all of the railroads so if Pony landed on one he would go bankrupt and Johnny would win. But the odds aren't looking good.

"You're going down Johnny! I still have 900 dollars and you have 50." Pony rolls the dice and it lands with a 6 and a 5, he moves his pawn and it ends up on a railroad. Yes! Johnnys going to win!

Johnny looks amused "Now you're going down," he picks up the railroad card "You owe me 1100 dollars." He says with a smug smile. Pony defeatedly hands him all his money "I win! 50 dollars isn't to bad now huh Ponyboy?" I like cocky Johnny he's funny.

"Stacy was right this is a dumb game." Pony adds while packing up the game

"It's only dumb if you don't win." Soda puts the box back in the closet.

I stand up off the floor "Well that was a lot of fun but I have to get back to the house and make sure my brothers don't burn anything down." They all tell me goodbye and I leave, I just starting walking down the street when Soda catches up to me.

"Oh hey! what're you doing out here?

"I just thought I would walk you back and make sure no Socs get you" I give him a weird look but we continue walking. After a few minutes of silence he says something "So you're really throwing a massive party on Friday?"

"Yep. Although I don't know if massive is the way to describe it, it just depends on how many people my brothers invite."

"Okay. Well I look forward to it!"

"Yeah me too!" We arrive in front of my place "I'll see you later!" I open my front door

"See ya!" I wave to him and close the door.

I check my brothers rooms and they're empty so I go up to my room to relax. I get to my room and see a note on my bed. What is with this family and notes?

Hey Stacy
I went out to try and meet some people for the party. August made me, he dragged me out of the house.
I went to hang out with Bob and his friends, I don't know when I'll be back. Don't wait up!

I got the whole house to myself, cool.

I watch TV for awhile and just lounge around. I watch four episodes of 'The Munsters' and three episodes of 'Petticoat Junction' another episode is about to start when Theo walks in the door. "Hey! Hows making friends goin'?"

"I met a few guys who I thought were pretty cool, I'm going to hang out with them tomorrow." He sits down on the couch next to me

"Aw look at you making friends." I say in a baby voice

"Shut up"

I stand up and yawn "Alright well now that you're back I'm going to bed. If you stay up tell me what time Aussie comes back."

"Goodnight!" He yells as I go up the stairs

"Night." I enter my room and lay down. I reach over to my alarm clock and set an alarm for 11:30.

That'll give me plenty of time to wake up before I see Johnny.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I really liked this chapter I thought it was cute. Also I'm thinking about making this a Johnny love story but I'm really not sure yet.
Thanks for reading!!

Word count : 1624

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