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"Jesus, it's a circus out here," Stephen parks the car on the curbside of the sidewalk then quickly climbs out the car with Melissa, viewing all the students exiting the building, police officers, parents and news reporters fills up the entire property, slowing down traffic.

Kristen and Jungkook are in the parking lot with Gwen as she sits in the back seat of her car with the door open when Stephen spots her throughout the chaos in front of the school. He calls her name. "Gwen!" She looks at him, mouth hanging wide open from being so surprised as he's jogging towards her. She runs at him meeting him halfway with her arms open, tackling him in a tight hug with tears in her eyes. After not hearing from him for a while she didn't think she'll ever see him again.

"I can't believe you came" she buries her face in his chest as he circles his arm around her, smiling sadly, putting his chin on the top of her head. Melissa sighs deeply, joining them in a group hug.

Stephen mumbles back "Of course I came, Gwennie,"

"Holy shit. Is that Stephen?" Kristen looks away when he waves at her.

"That son of a bitch is crazy for coming back here," Jungkook sighs deeply "I'm gonna look for Mia," then wanders off, adjusting his backpack on his shoulders, searching for his ex girlfriend. Way across campus Jimin winces, standing and holding an ice pack against his bruised face that has cut marks on it and dry blood while Mia is sitting on the stairs watching the coroner team pushing a body bag in the back of an ambulance truck.

"What happened?" Mia asks, wearing Jimin's jacket around her.

Jimin kneels down in front of her, putting a hand over her shaky ones trying to calm her down. "You blacked out again but this time it was during the lockdown. The killer was inside the school, Mia. He killed two people and had stabbed Clementine."

Mia whimpers when hearing her friend's name. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she survived but barely." He sighs, giving her a worried look.

"Mia!" Jungkook steps up to her, making Jimin move out the way so he can talk to her face to face. He removes his best friend's jacket from around her and tosses it at him. Mia stares at the ground with glossy eyes, seeming to be out of it as her ex boyfriend wraps her in his coat. "Hey, let's get you home." He then helps her to her feet and wraps an arm around her shoulder, walking beside her.

Mia groans seeing Jin walking towards her, greeting her with a polite smile. "Mia tell us how you are feeling right now that the killer has been caught. Do you think he has something to do with your parents death as well?" Jin points the microphone in her face as the cameraman shoots the footage.

"You and your camera needs to get the hell out of here." Jimin blocks the camera with one hand as Jungkook gently pushes Mia behind him, glaring at the news reporter.

"Hey, watch the hand. I'm doing an interview here," Jin gets pushed back by Jimin. Chuckling dryly, the reporter tells his camera man to back off and get clips of the crime scene. "I'm doing my job here guys. I'm not here to be loved."

Jungkook grabs him by his suit jacket and pushes him against the trunk of someone's car, scowling in his face. "This is your final warning. Leave Mia alone,"

"Come on, let him go." Mia tells Jungkook not wanting him to get in trouble with the police. Jin holds his palms up defensively as Jungkook loosens his grip, backing away from him.

"Let's talk over there," She tells Jin and walks towards a spot in the grass that's away from the boys but they can still hear. "So, I thought about your offer," she clears her throat, sliding her hands in her back jean pockets.

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