"He's a good guy, mama," Grove chirpped from the backseat.

"He is Grove, but mama just needs to make extra certain he's a really good guy," she responded.

"He didn't take my dinosaurs and he gave me salmon, I like him," he stated.

"Hm, that's nice," Leafy said simply.

Grove began to play with his toys as Leafy's thoughts trailed elsewhere.

She dropped Grove off at his preschool then pulled out her phone and texted Firey.

What's the deal with you being alive? Are other people allowed to know?

A few minutes later she got a response.

Yeah, I guess but like don't go telling everyone yk?

Okay thanks

That was all she needed to know, she rushed to work and immediately went searching for someone.

"Gelatin!" she called.

"What's up Leafster?" he grinned.

"Come here," she said, gesturing at him.

Once he was close enough, she looked around to make sure no one was listening.

"Firey is alive,"


Gelatin stared at her like she'd gone crazy. "Leafy that's not possible,"

"That's what I thought but he's in the apartment right now and he's very much real," she insisted.

"Leafy, are you okay? People don't just come back from the dead, are you certain it's him," he asked as he shook her by the shoulders.

"It is him Gelatin, he was in my apartment on Saturday night and I nearly hit him with a baseball bat," she whisper-shouted.

"Leafy, it can't be him, he's dead," Gelatin sighed in frustration.

"No, it is him! There's something weird going on but he never actually died in the first place," she explained

"Leafy, you're delierious," Gelatin said as he checked her temperature.

"No, you can come to my place after work and see him yourself!" she said as she stamped her foot.

"Fine, but if he's not there or its some random guy I'm getting you therapy," he groaned, finally giving up.

"Meet me at my car after work, I'll drive," she said before walking off.

Gelatin gave her a worried look then went about his day, but he was still worried about his clearly insane cousin.

As usual the day moved slowly, being a secretary somehow felt stressful and slow at the same time but it's what let her keep the nice apartment and allowed her to send Grove to a decent preschool so she ultimately didn't mind.

Eventually the day ended and Leafy and Gelatine sat in her car wishing the traffic would go away.

"So, how your mom?" Gelatin asked to break the silence.

"She's pretty good, herself and my dad moved to the coast a few months ago so they've just been enjoying the sun," she shrugged.

"Nice and how's Grove?"

"He's great actually, he's eating really well and he's had his injections,"

"Leafy, if Firey is actually alive and in your apartment, where has he been the past few years,"

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