We're about twenty-five minutes into Casablanca when Maya announces that she has to pee. 

"Seriously, Maya? Now I have to go too," Iris groans. Maya chuckles as they both leave me in the silence of the car. 

I stare at the big screen on the field, but my mind is elsewhere today. I can't seem to focus on anything. The passenger door opens, and Grayson slips inside the car. I sit up straighter, surprised by his sudden appearance. 

"Hey," he says, staring ahead. 

He rests his elbow on the armrest, his familiar scent making its way over to me. He smells so good I want to lean over and breathe him in. 


"Noah's here."

I sigh, slightly annoyed. "Seriously?"

"I doubt he's going to be a problem with so many people around, but I thought I'd let you know." He's still not looking at me. 

"James?" I ask. 

Grayson shakes his head. "No sign of him. Yet."

A minute passes. It feels like the longest minute of my entire life. If he's not going to bring up the kiss, then I sure as hell won't either.

"Are you going to see your dad?" I ask.

Grayson finally looks at me. "I don't know. Maybe."

"Do you want to?" 

"No." He pulls the backward cap off his head, runs his fingers through his hair, then puts it back on the right way. "It doesn't matter what I want, though."

"Why do you think he wants to see you?"

Grayson doesn't answer that. Instead, he asks, "Can I see your phone for a minute?"

I pull my phone out of my jeans and hand it to him. I can't see what he's doing, but his thumbs flash over the screen, the white light illuminating his face in the dark. 

"Here," he says, giving it back to me. "I put my number in there. Call me if Noah or James or anyone decides to fuck around. Don't hesitate. Okay?"

"Okay," I nod, feeling the phone's weight in my hand and something else in my stomach. 

His gaze softens. "You promise?" 

I reach out and run the tip of my pointer finger along his forehead, down to his jaw. "I promise."

He grabs my hand with both of his, places a soft kiss on my knuckles, and then slips out of the car.

My heart beats wildly in my chest as the passenger and back doors open simultaneously. 

"Was that Grayson?" Maya asks, reclaiming her middle seat in the back. When my eyes meet Iris's, she's smirking. 

"Yeah," I nod, focusing on the screen.

I see Maya making an odd face in the back from the rearview mirror. "What was he doing in here?" She asks, confused. 

"Yes, Layla, please enlighten us. What was Grayson doing in here?"

"Nothing. He's a movie guy. He was asking me about the movie."

Iris taps a finger on her chin. "Interesting. Very interesting."

"I'm going to get a cookie," I say quickly. "You guys want one?"

"M&M," Maya says from the back, now focused on the movie. 

"I'll do an oatmeal raisin, please, and thank you." 

"You're a weird person, Iris," I smile, stepping out of the car.

Iris smiles back at me. "I like the word unique more."

"Nope," I shake my head. "You're just weird, plain and simple."

She blows me a kiss, and I laugh, shutting the door. I weave through the cars, and it feels like the whole town is here tonight, with how busy it is. Teenagers are loitering around the concession stand, and I get in line, rubbing a hand over my arm. 

When it's finally my turn, I order Maya and Iris's, a classic chocolate chunk for myself, and a peanut butter one for Grandpa."

The employee smiles and hands me the warm cookies, each in their bag. I thank her and walk back over to the cars. But on my journey back, I see Grayson following a group of people out in the field by the screen. 

What are you doing, Grayson? 

I should go back and pretend I didn't see anything. Right?

That would be the smart decision.

Fuck it. I haven't been making smart decisions at all lately. 

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