17. what's plaguing your head, ted?

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ELECTION DAY. The day has finally come. Angie runs down her stairs and straight out the door, ignoring her brother's calls as she passes him. She gets in Gil's car and he immediately drives away.

"Hey," Angie looks at him, "Do you think you could come over tonight for dinner with my parents? If not it's fine, they're just both off tonight."

"I have work tonight, but I get off at 6:00," He smiles, as he steals a glance at her quickly.

"Okay, good. Does 7:00 work?"



WAITING IN LINE to vote, the two stand next to each other. Gil leans on the wall, both hands on Angie's waist as she places American flags behind his ears, laughing.

"You look silly," she smiles.

"Thank you, thank you," Gil nods his head, faking a bow.

The line moves quickly and Angie walks into the booth, taking her pencil and paper, choosing Jane Facciano with zero hesitation. She draws a little flower in the corner of the paper, and adds a heart next to Jane's name, thinking about her friend.

Angie and Gil exit at the same time, he wraps an arm around her coolly as they walk away.


"WE WERE GONNA get you flowers," Cynthia says, holding a picture frame out to Jane, "But they die. This is forever."

"You can still pull off a win," Olivia says, "Not everyone blames you for what happened last night."

"Yeah, let's go celebrate with banana splits," Nancy says, "My parents will make us pay, but I can just steal the money back from the register later."

Jane laughs before looking back and seeing Richie, "I think I'm just gonna go home. But thanks for this. It means a lot."

Angie and Olivia stand there as everyone walks off, Gil comes walking over, confusing Angie, but not saying anything.

"Pretty crazy night last night, huh?" Olivia sparks a conversation with the couple, Gil throwing an arm around Angie.

"Yeah," Angie says. "Where'd you go?" Gil asks Olivia.

"I was at the party," Olivia tells him, lying through her teeth.

"If you say so," Gil says, leading Angie away.

"That was weird," Angie mutters.



THAT NIGHT, at dinner, Gil arrives perfectly on time, Angie greeting him at the door.

"You look really nice," Angie let's him in.

"Thank you," he smiles entering, "A little birdie told me pinks your favorite color."

UR SO PRETTY - gil rizzoWhere stories live. Discover now