12. run as you

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THAT SAME NIGHT, Angelina calls Olivia, telling her everything."Oh my GOSH! Olivia you will never believe what happened with Gil!" She says into the phone as she lays down on her stomach.

"What?" Olivia smiles.

"Well, first of all, he was so sweet to me. He complimented me and constantly made sure I was comfortable. He didn't flirt as boldly as he does around all out friends."

Olivia rolls her eyes, "Are you sure that's the same Gil Rizzo?"

Angie laughs, Nathaniel coming into her room quietly, "It was definitely the same Gil, why wouldn't it be? ... Never mind that, we had to walk home because Richie just dropped the car at his place, I guess, but when he walked me home he was even sweeter than at dinner."

"What does that mean?" Olivia asks, Nathaniel leaning next to his sister to listen to Olivia as well as Angelina.

"It means he held my hand the entire time back and, when we got to my place—"

"He kissed her," Nathaniel interrupts.


"Nathaniel!" Angie pushes her brother off her bed, "I wanted to tell her! It was my date!"

"You were taking too long," Nathaniel tells her, "Hi, Olivia."

"Hi, Nathaniel."

"Okay, whatever. Back to my date. He kissed me, right, but first I kissed him on the cheek and he was all like 'I think you missed" She deepens her voice, imitating the boy, "So I was all like, 'What?' and then he said, 'Can I kiss you?"

"And you said?" Olivia asks.

"I said 'yes' silly!"

"Yeah, silly," Nathaniel mocks his little sister, receiving a smack to the back of the head from the girl.

"And then before I walked away, I kissed him again!"

"Yeah, and Patty saw," Nathaniel tells Olivia.

"Patty saw?"

"Yes, she saw, all right! Anyways... what time do we need to be there in the morning?"

"Oh, uhhh meet at my place at 9:00."

"Okay, see you tomorrow! Bye, Liv!"

"Bye, Angie!"


THE PINK LADIES all wait for Jane to go on air, prepping her for television. Olivia animatedly instructs Jane, the others listening intently.

"After you hit the dance at the club," She instructs, "Go straight into the rest. The parking lot, parent letters, no homework. Be bold."

"Show no fear," Cynthia straightens Jane's tie, "You're a Pink Lady."

"You're the rebel candidate," Nancy fixes Jane's collar.

"And you look really pretty today," Angie securely moves a piece of hair from out of Jane's face before turning her around and pushing her towards the podium.

Jane looks back at the smiling girls, them all giving supportive gestures. She looks and sees her parents as someone shouts 'PLACES PLEASE!' throughout the room.

"And in five, four, three..."

"And now we turn to a high school presidential election that's captured the attention of many. For the first tim win Rydell history, a girl has decided to throw her hat in the ring for presidency." Jim Johnson laughs, "Yes, you heard correctly. A young lady named Jane Facciano. She'll be running against incumbent candidate and Rydell star quarterback, Buddy Aldridge. And here they are to debate their platforms."

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