13. that answered your question, right?

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THE NEXT MORNING, Gil picks Angie up for school as per usual. She rushes out the door, Gil already out of his car and walking around to open her door for her. Before she gets in she looks up at him, smiling.

"Good morning, Gil!" She smiles even wider when he wraps his arms around her waist, her arms wrapping around his neck.

"Good morning to you, too," Gil leans down to kiss her, but just as their lips are about to touch, the front door of the Simcox house opens.

Angie turns her head, seeing Patty and Nathaniel leaving the house. The two break apart, Gil awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as Patty waves at him.

"Hi!" She shouts as she skips to Nathaniel's car. She begins to say something else but Nathaniel pushes her head under the door frame, sitting her down, "Lo— Oh! Bye!"

"Sorry 'bout her," Nathaniel smiles at his sister and her crush, "Mom let her have coffee this morning."

"Why would she do that? She's barely 13!" Angelina scoffs.

"I don't know, see you at school!" Nathaniel mutters as he gets in the car, pulling away.

Angie and Gil get in his car and he looks over to her, softly taking her face in his hands and kissing her. The two slowly pull away, Angie now bright red.

"All right, let's go to school," Gil drives away, one hand on the wheel and the other one interlocked with Angelina's.

"Gil," Angelina looks at him, continuing when he hums, "I have a question for you."

"Shoot," he clicks his tongue, "I have one for you, too. You go first."

"What are we?"

"Let me ask my question, now," Gil dismisses her question, "Will you be my girl?"

"Oh my gosh! Yes! Yes, of course!" Angelina squeezes her hand.

"That answered your question, right?"


"OLIVIA!" Angie shouts when she sees her friend outside of the school, "Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!"

"What?" Olivia smiles.

"Gil asked me to be his girl! And I said yes!!"

"Oh my, Angie! That's amazing!" Olivia hugs her friend, "I'm so happy for you!"


AFTER SCHOOL, the Pink Ladies and the T-Birds, and Hazel, all meet up at the Frosty Palace. Jane wanting a re-do of her and Buddy's debate.

Jane walks up to the booth all the socs are sitting at and confidently states, "I want a rematch."

They all look up at her for a moment, "Ain't that a fight?" Susan snarks, "He already won."

"I actually wouldn't mind the chance to say a few—" Buddy attempts to speak his mind for once.

"Buddy, no." Susan rudely interrupts, "There's no point."

"I'll just need some time to prepare," Buddy tells Jane.

"Nope," Nancy tells him, "Has to be right now. I just convinced my parents to let me close up, and they might come to their senses soon."

The door opens and a woman enters, "Jane?" The woman, Jane's mother, speaks.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Jane walks over to her, Gil looking at Angie as to ask her what's happening.

"I'm picking up dinner. What's going on?"

"There are things I wanted to say at the debate but couldn't," Jane explains to her mother, "So, I'm going to say them now."

UR SO PRETTY - gil rizzoWhere stories live. Discover now