05. no grudges. unless necessary.

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THE NEXT MORNING Gil, true to his word, picks Angelina up at the same time as the previous day. Saying a quick 'goodbye' to everyone in her house as she rushes out the door.

"Good morning!" Angelina exclaims, a smile and blush running across her face when he opens the car door for her.

"Good morning, Angie," Gil says, a smile on his face as he jumps into the front seat and starts the car, "Are you still mad at me?"

"No, no, I've gotten over it," she looks at him while rolling her eyes, "I have decided to, well, to not hold grudges. Unless necessary."

Laughing, Gil stops in front of the Valdovinos house to pick up the twins, "Scoot down and keep your legs on the seat," Gil tells her, confusion brushing across her face, "So you can still sit next to me."

"Ohhhh," Angelina acknowledges as she slides in next to him, his arm coming around her shoulders.

"What's this?" Richie exclaims as he exits the door, "You two together now, or what?"

"They're not," Olivia rolls her eyes at her brother, "There'd be a bigger parade from, well, both of them if they were."

"Get in the car or we're leaving without you," Gil tells the siblings, annoyed.


TIME HAS PASSED and the students of Rydell mingle in the hallway. Olivia and Angelina are finishing a conversation as Olivia does touch ups to her hair when Jane comes over to her.

"So you were right about the socs," Jane tells Olivia, "Obviously."

"I know," Olivia turns around to face her. An awkward silence falls over the girls as Jane nods her head before continuing, "I was thinking, after what happened to me last night, and to you last year—"

"We should become lifelong pals forever and ever," Olivia rolls her eyes, cutting the girl off as Angie observes, "Wouldn't that just be the most?" She fakes enthusiasm.

"You know what?" Jane proposes, "You can drown in a glass half-empty, too," She walks away as Olivia looks perplexed.

"Come on, Liv," Angie tugs on her friends arm lightly, "I told Gil I'd sit with him."

"Go on without me," Olivia tells her friend, a forced smiles on her face, "I'll meet you later."

"Okay," Angelina says, unsure, "want me to save you a seat?"

"No, it's no big deal," Olivia tells her friend, pushing her into the direction of the gym. Angelina walks into the gym and immediately spots Gil looking for her, he coolly plays it off by nodding her over. She smiles and walks to him, standing. beside him as he puts an arm around her.

"All right, everyone! Settle down!" McGee exclaims from the stage as students pile in.

"Where's Cynth?" She smiles up at him.

"Haven't seen her since last night," Gil tells her.

"Oh," Angelina looks down sadly, remembering the betrayal in Cynthia's eyes when the boys refused her from the T-Birds. They move to take their seats, where Cynthia already is.

"Hey," Gil draws her attention away from her thoughts, "Your senior brother is sitting with us. I didn't realize him and Shy Guy were that close."

UR SO PRETTY - gil rizzoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora