15. don't tell people that!

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"I JUST GOT kicked out of class," Olivia exclaims as she enters the journalism room, Angie quickly following behind, "and McGee made me put on this stupid sweater. It's so unfair! This paper is spreading lies about us, and I'm not leaving until you agree to print a retraction."

Mr. Daniels looks at Olivia from his place on his desk as one of the boys says, "We're too busy for retraction."

"We're late on printing today's paper," a girl tells them.

"Besides, Ernie write a first-rate article," Mr. Daniels contributes, "He interviewed eyewitnesses, spoke with the administration."

"The administration?" Olivia exclaims, "They have it out for us!" Mr. Daniels looks away and Olivia sighs, "Look, if you don't print a retraction, at least let me write a response."

"You?" one of the girls looks at Olivia in shock as the room quiets.

"Olivia's a very good writer," Mr. Daniel defends, Angie glaring at him, "But only kids who are part of 'The Rydell Review' staff can write for the paper and it's a whole application process."

"She's in!" one guy shouts, "We need the help, the other girl can help us too, with layouts or something."

"And 400 words in 20 minutes," the girl who previously spoke tells Olivia who smiles as she takes her seat, Angie walking to the back to help lay-out the paper.


"THE ADMINISTRATION can blame us," Jane reads Olivia's article, "they can unfairly take away our jackets, but they can't take away our mission to make Rydell fun for everyone."

"McGee is just a lily-liveried Nicholson henchwoman with no mind of her own?" Polly reads.

"What a gas!" Her friend exclaims, "I'm definitely voting pink."

The theatre kids snap as they walk by, acknowledging Olivia and Jane.

"I think they like it?" Olivia looks to Jane as Angie squeals in delight.

"What? Everyone does." Jane tells her, "You reminded them why they wanted to vote for us in the first place. You said it all when I couldn't. Thank you."

Olivia laughs happily as Angie squeezes her shoulder before walking over to Gil down the hall.

"Hi," she smiles up at him, he leans down and kisses her quickly, before joining his conversation again, leaving the girl bright pink. Shy Guy nudges her as they hear the xylophone over the intercom.

"Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding," Gil whacks the guy next to him with his copy of the paper.

"It has come to my attention," McGee begins, anger laced through her voice, "that some students feel they are being unfairly targeted, so in the interest of impartiality, we will be instituting a brand-new, school-wide dress code. Effective tomorrow, boys will be required to wear long-sleeved button-up shirts."

"Might as well put me in a straight jacket," Gil complains.

"No sneakers, no T-shirts, no dungarees. Ladies will be required to wear skirts below the knee and shirts up to the neck. No tight clothing or loud colors."

"There goes my whole wardrobe," Angie tells Shy Guy as Gil smacks something out of someone's hands.

"And most importantly, to end the divisions among us and become a truly unites Rydell," McGee starts, "absolutely no jackets! This is Assistant Principal McGee saying have a nice day. And remember, you heard it here first."

"No jackets?" Gil exclaims as he paces.


THE NEXT MORNING, McGee stops everyone at the door, lining them up to measure their skirts. Placing a yard stick beside the girls. After measuring everyone she says, "All right, ladies. You may go."

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