01. didn't mean to say that outloud

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ANGELINA SIMCOX has finally finished getting ready, just doing some last finishing touches, when her older brother knocks on her door. Nathaniel comes, awaiting no response, and finds his place sitting on his sister's bed.

"There's a guy waiting for you downstairs," Nathaniel smiles at his little sister when she quickly turns around, nearly dropping her blush pink lipstick from her hand, "I thought you were going to the Drive-In with Susan and her friends, not some guy."

"Nath, what's he look like?" Angelina asks her brother, fixing her hair, "Is he tall? Dark hair?"

"Yeah," Nathaniel pauses, "I think he's the guy who makes the really good sandwiches at the deli. Glenn? No, that's not right... uh... Gi- Gil! That's his name, Gil," Nathaniel smiles to himself, proud he remembered the guys name.

"Oh my gosh," Angelina whispers, shocked that Gil was there. We only ever spoke in passing and when Olivia's around, Angelina thinks Why is he here?

"Want me to tell him to leave or something?" Nathaniel asks, confused at his sister's pacing around her room.

"NO!" She clears her throat, "Just... If Susan shows up tell her I'm already there. Please Nathaniel, I'll do your math homework for a month if-"

"Go," he smiles at her, "but, Angie, don't do anything stupid. Please."

"Don't worry Nath," Angelina walks out her room, "I may be younger than you, but I'm not a floozie. ... Want me to tell Olivia you say hi?"

Giving Nathaniel no time to answer, Angie rushes down the stairs, spotting Gil standing in her foyer alone, Patty staring at the boy from the sofa "Hi, Angelina."

"Hello," she smiles, feeling a blush creep up her neck, "I didn't know you were the one picking me up." She mutters as she ushers him out the door.

"Yeah, Richie told us you were gonna hang with us, so I figured I'd pick you up first since it's my car Olivia's gonna drive into the Drive-In," he informs her, getting a confused look from her, "You look real nice tonight."

"Thank you. Why is Olivia gonna drive your car?" Angie asks as Gil opens the door for her.

"I thought she'd have told you," he looks at her, "We're sneaking into the Drive In, me, Richie, Shy Guy, and Potato."

"Oh," she looks at him as they drive to Shy Guy's home, "See I'm not technically supposed to be going with you guys. Didn't Olivia tell you?" He shakes his head, confused, "My mom told me I couldn't hang out with you and the T-Birds since I've been sneaking out to hang out with Olivia. We're simply lucky she and my dad are out on a date. I'm supposed to be going with Susan and Rosemary. I don't like Rosemary," she rambles on, "She's so annoying. I don't really like any of those people. I don't think I meant to say that out loud, I'm just gonna stop now."

Looking at the blushing girl, her cheeks a bright pink, Gil tells her, "Pink really is your color, ya know," making her blush even more and look down at her pink skirt.

"Thank you," she mumbles, pressing her hand to her hot face.


ALL THE T-BIRDS have been picked up and placed into the car accordingly as Olivia drives into the Drive-In with Angelina in the seat next to her. "I didn't know you were coming with us," Olivia smiles at her best friend, "I'm glad you're here though, I'd be so bored without you."

"I wasn't going to and then Gil just showed up," she whispered the last part, "Nathaniel came into my room and was like 'there's some guy waiting for you," she deepens her voice, imitating her brother, "so I got into the car with him and left."

"That's so cool," Olivia says as they drive up to where they pay to get in, "Two please," she smiles, receiving an odd look from the man working.

As they drive they encounter a few soc girls standing in the middle of the road. Rolling her eyes, Olivia lays on the horn, shouting, "MOVE!" when the girls remain stationary.

"Didn't think she'd show her face again," Rosemary snickers as Angelina sinks into her seat, praying to God they don't notice her there—she's supposed to be with them after all—and sighing in relief when they walk past.

Olivia parks the slaps the side of the door, letting the boys know they can get out. Shy Guy and Potato emerge from the back seat as Gil and Richie jump out the trunk and do a little hand shake. Olivia gets out of her seat as Gil makes his way to Angie, opening the door for her and offering his hand, which she graciously takes, smiling up at him.

Gil jumps up onto the side of the car and begins a conversation with Potato as Angelina walks to Edward and talks with him.

"You want anything?" She asks him, "My brother gave me like five bucks the other day for no reason, I can get all of you guys something, if you want," she tells the rest of the group.

"You don't have to," Gil looks at her, smiling as Richie hands Olivia some money. The boys, except Gil whose too busy smiling at Angelina, watch Olivia walk away as Richie turns around and says, "Nobody watch my sister walk away!"

"You want me to go with you?" Potato asks Angie as Cynthia rides up, "I won't say no to free food," this receives a smack to the back of the head from Gil and a laugh and head shake, denying the help, from the girl in pink.

"HAPPY LAST DAY OF SUMMER, DIPSTICKS!" Cynthia shouts, getting off her motorcycle.

"Hey Cynth, want anything from concessions?" Angie smiles, "My treat!"

"Sure, I won't turn down free popcorn!"

"And you, Potato?" Angelina turns to her friend, "What do you want?"

"Popcorn and a coke," the boy grins, "I really can come help you if you'd like."

"No, stay here," she smiles, "I can do it myself. Anything else anyone? Last call for free food," when the other boys say nothing she leaves, walking to the food.

Next in line, Angelina gets stopped before ordering, "Hey," Gil smiles at her, "You still offering free food."

"If you want something, I'll get you something," Angie smiles, blushing once more. The two walk up to the counter, "Hi! Can I get two popcorns, one Cherry Coke, one regular Coke, and whatever he wants," she orders, looking over at Gil, signaling him to order.

"Oh, can I get a Coke and peanuts," Gil smiles at the cashier, "Thank you."

"That'll be $3.45," the cashier says, pushing the items towards the pair, "Have a nice night and enjoy the movie!"

"Thank you, Angie," Gil smiles at her as she carrie's three cokes back to his friends.

"It's no problem, really," she smiles, "I enjoy paying for other people. And besides, it's not really my money, it's Nathaniel's, so thank my brother. Oh look! There he is, he's sitting with Olivia! Good."

"And why is that good?" Gil asks the grinning girl.

"No reason," she smiles, "Just he likes her and she likes him. I've been trying to get them together since I met Olivia! Well, that's an exaggeration... since like freshman year!"

Gil laughs as he hands Cynthia and Potato their popcorn, taking a Coke from Angie and handing it to Potato as well.

"Want to find somewhere to sit?" He asks, taking his Coke from her, shocking his friends.

"Sure!" Angie exclaims, letting Gil lead her to a nearby table.

lizzie speaks!
Hi guys! I'm Lizzie! So I changed Angelina's face claim to Olivia Scott Welch from Ellie Bamber literally because I felt like it lmao. I hope you enjoy this story!

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