09. the pink ladies

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CYNTHIA AND ANGELINA sit at the end of the hall in a comfortable silence until Jane, Olivia, and Nancy come down the hall. The two standing up, Cynthia putting her comb back into her sock as she does.

"Did you do it?" Angie asks her friend.

"Did you expose that lying bastard?" Cynthia adds.

"I couldn't," Jane tells them.

"Why not?" Nancy exasperatedly spits out.

Jane turns to her, seeing Buddy down the hall from them, leaving. All the girls watch him grab his keys, Nancy speaking up, "He deserves to go down." She tells them.

"Well, that's just it," Jane whispers, "It wouldn't be him who goes down."

"It'd be Susan," Olivia and Angie say at the same time, as per usual.

"He cheats on a test, he's cool," Jane explains, "He smokes reefer, he's cool. He goes all the way with Susan, he's cool."

"And she's a slut," Olivia finishes.

"Just like people said about us."

"I don't understand girls," Cynthia exclaims suddenly.

"What?" Jane looks to her.

"If Buddy did to me what he did to you, he'd be home crying to his mommy right now with a fat lip!"

"I should probably get home," Olivia tells them, Angie nodding, "before my mom finds out I snuck out."

"Me, too," Angie whispers.

"But it's barely 11:00!" Nancy turns to the best friends.

"Yeah, let's make like a tree and leave," Cynthia begins walking down the hall, Jane following, "I don't want to see Gil's rat face either."

"Ooh, me either," Angelina's eyes widen before Nancy groans, stopping the girls from leaving.

She stops groaning, "You know, I was excited about coming to this party tonight because I thought we would all have fun, but instead, all any of you have done all night is obsess over stupid boys."

"Don't look at me," Cynthia brushes off as the other three look away.

"Here's looking right at ya, kid!" Nancy exclaims, "You spent the whole night obsessed with impressing the T-Birds—BOYS."

"Yeah," Cynthia defends herself, "because none of you laugh at any of my jokes, and I'm hilarious."

"I laugh at your jokes," Angelina tells her friend.

"Well, I've never heard it!" Cynthia looks at her as Angie looks down, embarrassed that her laugh is never heard. Cynthia continues her speech, "But I guess I'm too girl to be one of the boys and too girl to be one of the boys. I give up. I'm out of here."

"Cynthia, wait." Jane calls as she follows her friend.

Olivia approaches Nancy, her hand on Angie's wrist, pulling her with her, "Nancy, do you think maybe you're just a little upset because of spin the bottle?"

"Why would spin the bottle upset me?" Nancy raises an eyebrow.

"Well, because you've never kissed a boy before," Angie tells her, Olivia nodding her head in agreement.

"Are you kidding?" Nancy asks the two, "I've kissed every boy at this party."

"Huh." and "What?" are heard from down the hall as Olivia and Angie look at each other before saying, "What?" in unison once more.

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