22 | This is... Good, Right?

93 3 0

(With Adora and Y/N)

"So what planet did you say you were from again?" The girl with mechanical arms asked. Adora sighed, having already answered that question a million times.

"Etheria. It's called Etheria," Adora replied, her eye slightly twitching in annoyance. Y/N noticed and tried to hold back a laugh. Adora narrowed her eyes at her and the princess looked away.

"But you two are from different planets, right?" The man asked. Y/N looked back at him. She looked at Adora for a split second.

"How did you know?" Adora asked, obviously reading Y/N's mind. The man gestured to their bodies. "Different clothing style," he replied. "It's like looking at two people from different universes."

Adora and Y/N then looked at each others clothing. They hadn't noticed it before, but they do now.

"You're very observant," Adora said, chuckling. "I like to observe my targets to get to know them," the man replied, very casually. Adora swallowed, obviously concerned about his answer, but she said nothing more.

"So when will your friends get here?" the short girl asked. Adora sighed. She was started to get a bit worried. It's been a while since she's seen Bow and Glimmer. She hoped they were safe and were on their way.

"I'm not sure," she finally replied. "I have no way of contacting them." Y/N could tell this information bothered Adora. She nudged her shoulder with a small smile. "They'll find us," she said. "I know it."

Word count -> 251

IK THIS IS SO SHORT BUT I HAD TO TELL YOU GUYS SOMETHING SO PLEASE READ THIS. Although I have more ideas for books on this acc, I've been thinking that I might not write any more books after this one. My she-ra phase kinda ended earlier this year that's why I haven't been interested in it much. I'll still be writing stories on Wattpad but I'll be making another account. I'm not sure if I'll return to write other she-ra books but if I do, I'll let you guys know. I do have another She-ra story in the works. If I do end up finishing it, I'll post the chapters and that'll be it. I'm only making another acc because I won't be writing fan fictions anymore... I'm more into different content. So I'm gonna rush this book so I can finish it and do all the editing after. IM SORRY GUYS- IK I Said I'd do sm stuff but like... yeah. I Hope to get at least to thirty chapters in this book. HOPEFULLY. Anyways, tysm but my fanfiction phase is over. I've gotten so much support even when I first started on Wattpad. And I hope to continue my journey! In the meantime, have a good day/night!

Love, Clouds <3

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