6 | The Newly Improved Rebellion

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(In Bright Moon)

Netossa and Mermista were practically sonic-ing through the Whispering Woods. Not that they knew who that was. They were trying to make it to Bright Moon to confirm that the Horde wasn't already there. But the dark smoke that was in the air explained everything. Once they arrived, the Horde were already attacking. Bright Moon guards tried to defend the castle, but it began to crumble and fall into the water.

"We have to help them!" Netossa exclaimed and created two nets in the palms of her hands. She used them to trap a tank and she swung it into the forest. Mermista tried to drown another tank in the water but the soldiers climbed out and began to attack her. She jumped back over to Netossa.

"Where are the others?" Netossa asked. "Frosta and Perfuma might still be in the Fright Zone. They're the only ones we can trust to save Spinerella," Mermista replied. "I'm actually surprised you chose Bright Moon over her." Netossa sighed. "Bright Moon is the only safe Kingdom in all of Etheria. It matters more than ever!" she replied as she trapped a tank in her nets. "And what do you mean Frosta and Perfuma are the only ones we can trust?"

"Adora and Bow ran off with Catra on some secret mission, I bet Entrapta's still on Sea Hawk's ship, and Sea Hawk must be hiding somewhere inside the castle. We don't know who's on Glimmer's side. We can't trust anyone else," Mermista said. "I doubt Adora and Bow are on Glimmer's side if they left without her," Netossa stated. Mermista nodded. "We have to get word to them. Do you have a comm?" Mermista asked. "No, but I bet there's one in the castle," Netossa replied. "Alright, go get word to them," Mermista said. Netossa turned back to the charging army before them.

"Knowing Adora, she's probably on her way now but we should still try," Netossa replied. "I'll stay out here and help defend the castle," Mermista said firmly. With that, Netossa used her nets to reach the castle entrance and ran inside. She searched through all the rooms hoping she'd find Sea Hawk, and maybe Entrapta too. She couldn't have been still in Sea Hawk's ship, right? Even though it was still early in the morning, as Netossa looked out every passing window, the skies were as black as coal and the whole kingdom was covered in ash. What have the princesses done to deserve this?

Netossa finally found the battle room and she set up the comm in the middle of the table. The screen glowed blue and a familiar face appeared on the screen.

(In the Whispering Woods)

While the others continued having their reunion, Bow began to realize that his comm was beeping. He took it out and answered the call. "Bow— shhh— Moon— shhh— attacked!" is what he heard. There was too much static and he couldn't understand, but he knew it was about Bright Moon being attacked.

"How far are we?" Bow asked. "Well, we're low on fuel so we're moving slower than before," Catra replied. Bow sighed. "I just got a message from Netossa, the battle already started. We needed to be there like yesterday!" he exclaimed. "We would have been there right now if Adora didn't trust you." Catra stood up and stared at the boy angrily. Then she sat back down. Bow was right and she couldn't deny it. Bow has been on her tail, literally, ever since they left Bright Moon. If she betrayed him now, it'll be the last betrayal she'd ever make. Think Catra. What is the right decision?

"Is everything okay here?" Adora asked, popping out of nowhere. "The battle already started. By the time we get there, Bright Moon would have already been gone," Bow said, very calmly. "What?! No, it can't be!" Adora exclaimed. "Well, you were too busy with your new friends to realize," Bow says, rolling his eyes. "Catra, would we get there faster on foot?" Catra looked over at Scorpia who had been listening in the whole time. The room went quiet and now they were all looking.

"I— what? Was— was it something I said?" she asked. "Arrows asked if we could get to Bright Moon faster on foot. Can we?" she asked. "Potentially. But we'd have to be running... like really fast," Scorpia replied. Catra looked at Bow and Adora. "There's your answer. Let's suit up," Catra said, standing up and walking over to her crew. Bow looked at Adora concerned.

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