" Rajkumari, Devkirti, what are you doing here in this condition. Do you have any shame , responsibility and regards for your father's reputation and name? What would have happened if somebody saw you like this. What if the said somebody is a male. Have you got any idea. No, its absolutely my fault i should have never let you become this sort of a girl. Heh,Bhagwan( oh God) what am I going to do with this girl?" Queen Sulekha had started her angry rant when princess Devkirti just smile at her mother. The baby deer had already skipped towards the forest by now. Devkirti is just looking at her mother. Although her mother seemed to be one strict woman with a heart of a lioness but she only sees the concern mother beneath all the anger.

"Ma, you are the one who taught me to be compassionate. Saving a life is a noble deed. Isn't it? This baby deer had been stuck in the thorny bushes and as your daughter, i can't avoid it and left it to die. I might have called for help but as this place is a little secluded and the baby itself was hanging by a tiny thread of life. I had to take the immediate actions. Please,can you forgive your daughter?" Devkirti tried her best to give the explanation to her mother. But queen Sulekha was beyond angry. But she can't deny the pride that was swirling in her heart but that placate her a little.

"Kirti,my daughter. Now,you have grown up dear. You are betrothed to one of the most powerful prince. The prince of Astespura. They are not like us dear. They follow quite strict rules. Your would be mother in law ,The Queen Jayanti is fierce woman. They wouldn't understand your crave for freedom my daughter. I have taught you with all the virtues but dear not all are applicable in case of women. We women are the pride of our Kul( family).We have to behave according to our society. I hope you never forget that" Queen Sulekha said to her daughter.

"But Ma, isn't it a right for every creature of God to live a free life. Then why do women had to be burdened by norms. I wish I haven't had to be married off to some place where my freedom,my attraction to stay with the nature,my craving for roaming around blissfully without any care of people would be curtailed. I wish I marry someone who accept me as i am. For whom i don't have to change. Who would give me all the freedom in the world with no boundaries of the society."

" Then my dear you won't be able to get married in this lifetime. Because there is no one like that in our world. Everyone is bounded by the societal norms and boundaries. That's not how our world works dear. Once you born in this world you are bound to some responsibilities that should be maintained." Sulekha advised her daughter.

"But isn't it a choice for a person? Ma." Asked Kirti.

Queen Sulekha knew that her daughter was a free thinker. Although she was right but she couldn't agree to it because that will further encourage her rebellious nature.

"Kirti,King Vibhuvashan had send your father the message that the wedding will be held from 15 days from now. Be ready my love. You are in for a big responsibility. I have taught you everything that i can to be a perfect wife and daughter in law. Now,is the time you step into your new life and take new responsibilities dear"

Devkirti's heart skipped a bit when she heard the news. She knew that it was meant to happen one day since she was betrothed to the prince of Astespura when they both were children but she never thought that the news would come so suddenly. She was nervous. At that moment she could only think of Mitra,her best friend,her sister by bond of love.

"Ma, has Mitra arrived? I have asked her to come visit me and she said that she was on the way to Satlavi with Uncle Padmasan".

Just then a maid came running and informed the princess.

"Pranam, Maharani ji and Rajkumari ji. Maharaj Padmasan had arrived with Rajkumari Sanghamitra and you are being called to meet them by King Bibhuti."

Queen Sulekha nodded her and looked back to Devkirti.

"Kirti, make yourself a little presentable. Your father won't like the way you are looking right now. Now,that my dear Mitra had arrived. I will asked her to teach you some some conduct and diligent behaviours."

Devkirti scoff, "Ma,she is not what you think she is. Infact she is more strong headed than me. You just don't see it because of her demure nature which is by the way a facade."

"Oh,so you have been complaining about me to Sulekha Ma? I should have knew it. " Princess Sanghamitra adorned in a bright yellow saree looking as beautiful as the sun approached the ladies. She touched the Queen's feet. And smile at her best friend.

"Yes,i have been complaining since Ma doesn't know that who you are in real."

"Mitra, dear please teach some basics conduct to your best friend now that she is getting married. You both girl can continue to talk. But before that go to your room and clean up,put some medicine in those scratches. And later come down to take ashirwad( blessings) from Uncle Padmasan." Sulekha ordered her daughter and left for welcoming her husband's friend.

"So,what are you saying about my real self. Kirti, don't you think you should be more docile as your marriage is approaching." Mitra said with humour in her eyes.

As both the girls hailed for Kirti's room. Kirti replied,"Why,does prince Aryajit love your docile, doe like nature. Sweet and gentle like petal of flower?"

At the mentioned of the name of her fiance Aryajit, a shy smile appeared on Mitra's face with a shade of pink on her cheek. She had been betrothed to him for two years now. He was a great scholar and a warrior who had eyes for both beauty and art. She had dreamt of her entire life with him from the very moment they had known each other. She was certainly madly in love with him.

"Huh, Aryajit loves everything about me. Be it my docile nature or my stubborn nature. You don't understand the love we have. But i hope soon,you will get to experience it with prince Abhiranjan. I heard that he is a man of good conduct. Powerful and valour. An intellectual as well. Surely you will fall in love with him." Said Mitra with so much hope for her best friend.

" I don't know what kind of a person he is. All i know is that he should respect me and my opinion. Love comes later".

"Well i hope you will get to know him before your marriage. You can also talk with him regarding your thoughts. Let's just go slowly and leave everything for time to unfold" Mitra said to which Kirti nodded her head. As they reached her room.



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