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My head pounded as I opened my eyes

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My head pounded as I opened my eyes. I was as disoriented as ever, thinking that I'd died and come back to life.

Perhaps that was the case.

The room I found myself in was humid and had not a single light present. I lay in the corner, across a door that looked made out of metal. My eyes squinted as I tried to make out just the place I was in but with no luck. It seemed as though I was in one of those basements where serial killers threw their victims in before castrating them.

I tried to push myself up from the cold cement floor, which made a sharp sting travel through my entire arm. I winced but didn't make a sound, attempting to be cautious for my own safety.

Trying to replay the memories, I tried hard to remember what could've brought me here. It certainly wasn't some night at the bar, that was for sure, but my thoughts were crowded with the possibility of being taken. Knowing the people that I was involved with on numerous different levels, it was plausible I was being some pawn in someone else's game.




Hot dogs.

The unknown number.

"No," I breathed out, feeling my heart rate accelerate. It pounded so hard against my ribcage that I actually thought my heart would shoot right through it. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK," my voice became suddenly louder.

I didn't know if it was the fear or adrenalin doing its job, but I pulled myself onto my feet and dragged my body towards the door. The effort was there, but it was all for nothing. There wasn't enough strength within me to even lift my hand to touch the door, let alone open it.

A sharp cry left my mouth as I fell to the ground and felt the pain sting my knees. Panic washed over me at the thought of my daughter. I glanced around the space but found nothing.

"Eva," I breathed out, crawling around the room in disbelief, tears falling like a waterfall. "Evara!" I shouted, a ping of pain touching my throat.

We were together.

I was with her and Rodger before everything turned black. I couldn't have been taken.

Why on earth would I be taken?

Nicolas would have never been so stupid as to play such a trick on me. It wasn't like him.

I heard some footsteps behind the door, which made me turn my head in that direction. I'd never felt this much fear in my life. It was as though I was thrown into some cell in a prison and left to rot.

Nico has told me that I am a target now, as has Nate.

Whoever just had the balls to take me and my daughter away from Nicolas might have just had a death wish, I thought, but those words got lost somewhere in my head as I thought of Eva.

I just hoped Nico would find Evara and me as quickly as he could. Even if I tried to get out of this hell myself just to see my baby girl.


Oh, gods, I hope she's okay. 


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