Her words, dripping with seductive power, ignited a primal instinct within Elias. The thought of showing her just how deeply he desired her caused a primal heat to surge through his veins, making his heart race and his body respond with an electric fervor.

He could already feel his cock throbbing begging for her attention.

"Please," Jasper leaned in his head resting on her shoulder, his warm breath fanning over her collarbone. The pleading tone in his voice was laced with vulnerability and desire. "Please... love. Let me touch you," he begged.

Elias kneeled.

His gentle touch began to traverse the expanse of her calf, fingers leaving a trail of electric sensation in their wake. Slowly and deliberately, he lifted her ankle, bringing it closer to his lips, "I am at your service, darling. Use me as you please."

Iris pulled Elias closer, their bodies melding together in a fervent embrace. Their lips met in a hungry kiss.

Between the breathless exchange, Iris's voice emerged, laced with urgency and longing. "Touch me," she murmured, her words an invitation, an open declaration of her desires. Her eyes darted to Jasper, "Touch me, darlings."

Iris couldn't suppress the moan that escaped her lips as Jasper's lips found the delicate curve of her neck. His mouth latched onto her skin, leaving a trail of possessive marks.

The sensation of his warm breath and the flicker of his tongue against her feverish skin sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body, causing her knees to weaken with every tantalizing touch.

In a bold move, Jasper's hand curled around her throat, exerting a slight but thrilling pressure. The sensation made her sigh with a mixture of pleasure and surrender, relishing in the possessive grip he had on her.

Breathing heavily, Iris felt the tingling excitement of being slightly breathless. "You're knocking the air out of me," she managed to express, her voice a husky whisper.

Jasper's response was laced with raw desire. "Because I want you to breathe in mine," he asserted, pulling her away from Elias and claiming her lips in a passionate kiss.

Their mouths melded together in a frenzy of need, exchanging breaths and merging their essence in a desperate attempt to possess each other fully.

As their lips remained locked, Elias's hand moved deftly along her back, his expert fingers skillfully unzipping her dress.

As the lilac dress cascaded down her body, pooling at her feet, Iris stood before them in nothing but her delicate panties, her bare skin bathed in a soft glow. The cool air enveloped her, causing a shiver to run down her spine, a stark contrast to the fiery heat that coursed through her veins.

A hint of uncertainty lingered in her voice as she whispered, acknowledging the reality of their surroundings. "We are still in your office," she reminded them, the awareness of their audacious desires intertwining with the thrill of the forbidden.

Elias, undeterred by the constraints of their location, let out a dark chuckle, "Oh baby, you don't know how I have always imagined taking you on this table."

With a swift yet careful movement, Elias lifted Iris, his arms cradling her, and gently placed her on the sturdy mahogany table. The smooth surface pressed against her heated skin,

He cupped her bare breast. His fingers encircled her nipple, pinching it with a deliberate pressure that elicited a sharp intake of breath from her parted lips. Iris hissed, glaring at him.

"Tell me what should we do," he looked at her coyly. There was no hiding the desire pooling in their eyes.

In a bold display of confidence, Iris leaned back against the table, her body arching upwardly, accentuating her curves with enticing grace. Her legs parted, revealing her openness and vulnerability, a clear invitation for Jasper.

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