bathroom floor

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i awoke to the sound of my alarm clock going off again, i woke up and got changed into a baggy tshirt and some sweatpants. i walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee, i walked around the house trying to find Tom, but i guessed he was still asleep in him room, so i decided not to bother him. i sat down on the sofa and decided to watch TV as i drank the coffee i had made earlier. i finished that after about 30 minutes of watching random kids shows that i found on a random channel. i checked the time and it was 11am so i decided id go look for him again. i walked down the hallway and knocked on his door but there came no return, i thought nothing of it, hes just still asleep. so i made my way to the bathroom, i knocked just incase someone was in there but i heard no voice from inside, so i walked in.

"tom?" i saw him laying on the floor of the bathroom. maybe he just got drunk and passed out. i got closer, "tom.. wake up" i nudged him then i noticed empty pill bottles next to him. i noticed the peice of paper next to his hand. i picked it up

dear, Taylor.

i know you will have been the one to find me, as youre always up the earliest. and i want to apoligize for kinda ignoring you these past few days. ive been in such a bad state of mind, that i didnt want to be near anyone or talk to anyone, i hope you understand, i really do. and i hope you know i love you, just as much as i did when i gave you that necklace, i hope you love me just as much as i do you. And i hope you can move on easily, and find peace in yourself. i truly love you, Taylor. more than anything. but i cant be here without Bill. its like i lost half of me when he passed, and that half of me will never come back if i stay here. I love you, more than words can describe, Taylor. im sorry to leave you, but i couldnt stand one more day without Bill. he means far to much to me, and I dont want him to be alone, he needs me, I hope you understand Taylor. But my baby brother needs me.

im sorry, i love you so, so much, and just remember when youre lost in the darkness and you need me, just wear that necklace i gave you.

forever, Tom.

each sentance i read of his messy handwriting made another tear fall, I dropped the piece of paper and quickly rushed over to him, trying my hardest to preform CPR but I just didn't know how to do it. Banging on his chest. "PLEASE, TOM. DONT LEAVE ME!" my tearfulled screams filled the bathroom, as I tried to get any sign of life out of him. But I just couldn't. I felt his cold body, his hands, I couldnt hug him, not feeling the warmth from him would kill me. I looked at him once again, not taking my eyes off him. My Tom, why.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!" I screamed once again banging on his chest.
"Please..." I said collapsing onto him. His uncomfortablely cold state made me shiver.

I heard the door open and I could feel the air change. "Oh my god" I heard Gustav say, I turned my head and saw him collapse to his knees. "Not you to" he said. Tears filling his eyes. I moved over to Gustav wrapping my arms around him, I just wanted him to feel ok. "Itll be ok Gustav, we still have eachother." I said rubbing his back. I felt him sob into my shoulder and my heart broke into a million pieces. Georg shortly walked in too, but he walked out as soon as he understood what happened. I dont blame him.

I stood up, helping Gustav up.

Then I felt myself go back into focus.

"PAY ATTENTION TO ME CRIMSON" I heard him yell at me, the gun pointed at my head..

𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬 - 𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐤𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now