Chapter VI: The Contract

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27 Degrees, Jing Dynasty evening.

Cuifen Chen Wu, 5th May 1894, Xing Deng Bao;

The awkward silence was unbearable following that beautiful spectacle. Lift-off was audible, as the engines hummed in the background. The employee stayed silent throughout, showing us around.

"Ahem, we have a meeting scheduled in less than thirty minutes we don't have all day could you please lead us to our rooms in haste?" It took a couple of minutes for me to finally speak, breaking the silence. Yu Lee adjusted back to his usual clumsy self, walking beside me, the unease within me gone.

"O-Oh yes, I am deeply sorry, right this way... please." He leads, I take a look back at Yu Lee.

"Thanks for clearing up that mess back there, I had no idea what went over him." He looks at me with a grin.

"Thank you Cuifen Chen Wu!"

"I keep telling you to call me Wu you know?"

"I prefer your full name, it's the respect you deserve after all." I sigh, remaining silent as we continued. The corridors themselves weren't overlooked in design. Marble statues guarded the crystal knobbed doorways, emerald walls held by marble pillars lay in a pattern around us. Gold lanterns illuminate the way, shaped like flowers above us. After a while, the man shows us towards our quarters fitted with necessities and amenities.

After a long trail of pain for my feet, he shows us to what appears to be a long corridor protruding towards a grand room. He opens the doors with both hands and speaks back normally.

"This is the Conference room, just below the control room. We are practically on the lowest floor. As you can see we are surrounded by hundred-eighty degrees of crystal glass for the outskirt view of the city of Shonghai, the tables are decked in mahogany and fitted with a customed transponder device to the hospitality sector if any meals are needed to be in order. Silver cutlery has been in place with complimentary drinks on the side. Please make yourself at home, and I must apologise for my behaviour earlier. I-I have no excuse for how I acted. I can't quite believe it myself but nonetheless, I'll take full responsibility..." His voice grew quieter.

"Uhm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name, what is it?" I ask, offering a warm smile.

"Oh of course how rude of me, you'd have to know my name to report me, it's Nikolai."

"Oh, are you from the Manvu region?" The Manvu region, was once part of the Eastern Empire until it collapsed almost two decades ago. I suppose it gave us the chance to recapture the lands that once belonged to us. Although it has largely been settled by a lot of ruski people over generations. Even now, they say one-third of them take up the population. What once was a prosperous diverse area is now a hotbed of extremism.

"I... I'm originally from the Troubon Union, but yes. I've been living there most of my life now." Nikolai looked away, his hands clenched.

"Would you like any other assistance?" I curbed my tongue, I had questions. After all, Shao was from Jilin, maybe if...

"That'll be all, thank you." Nikolai nods, taking his leave.

"Oh and Nikolai, we won't report you. You've got a difficult job dealing with us all day. Believe me, I do as well." Finally, a little smile formed. He took his leave by the door without a word, but there in my line of sight. I noticed something, an odd powder on his shoulder glistening as a part of it lands on the ground.

"Well if I may excuse myself I have things to prepare; if you need anything you can use the transponder orb. You can also use the orb to order dinner as well. Thank you for joining us aboard our esteemed and largest zeppelin in the world, the Xing Deng Bao." He left the chamber with a couple more traces of the mysterious dust. Yu had also noticed, leaning down to touch the powder. A part of me hesitated. After all, we hadn't the least idea of what it could be. The rest were too distracted by the thought of dinner, lurching themselves by the transponder device.

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