Chapter 4

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     Song: STFU- Rayana Jay Ft

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Song: STFU- Rayana Jay Ft. Jane Handcock


"So lemme get this straight." Fawn begins. "Wyatt tricks you with food and Rhys serenades you with an apology; all to save on taking two trips to visit your mother's grave?"

A hum sounds from the closet that Azura's currently standing in. Both girls agreed to wait until the weekend to finally clear out space for their art studio. Which is why Fawn is currently encase in a circle of boxes on the floor, while Azura tackles the overflowing closet with a bottle of half empty wine shared between them.

"Hmm." Is all that floats from Fawn's mouth.

Finish with cleaning the shelves Azura jumps down from a chair releasing a sigh from the pressure in her knees. She was getting old.

"What is it Fawn?" Azura asks on a sigh. She sends her best friend a long look as she leans against the wall by the closet.

"Nothing," Fawn starts, shrugging her shoulders. "Maybe it's because I'm a jaded orphan but you and Rhys have been at each other's necks for years, Blue."


"This isn't his first apology. And he's been known not to follow through on those."

"Your point, Fawn?"

Fawn fiddles with the bottle of wine between her hands. Her bottom lip stuck between her teeth as she considers her best friend. "What's so different that about this apology that you finally accepted it? After years of ignoring them?"

Azura opens her mouth to respond then stops short. Words evade her as she tries thinking back on the memory. It has only been four days since she and her brothers called a ceasefire yet the conversation is muddled in her mind. There was a reason. A moment where she felt something when she spoke to her brothers. That's when the words come back to her.

      "We were just scared kids doing what we thought was best." Azura responds with a shrug of her shoulders. "Plus it would hurt my mom if she knew how bad we were fighting. She never liked it when we fought."

      Fawn purses her lips as her eyes take in Azura. Azura rolls her eyes exhaling another long breath before she speaks again.

      "Spit it out, Fawn."

      "It's just... that's what Wyatt would always say whenever he'd call or come for a visit. Almost verbatim." Fawn mumbles the last part to herself.

      Azura pushes off the wall and snatches the broom next to her. Sweeping out the closet as she ponders Fawn's statement. Her family was like any other. They fought. They argued. Then swept it all under a rug. Rinse and repeat. That's how it always had been. Until Azura could not take it anymore. She chose peace which meant going no contact with her father. She spent most of her time with Wyatt or Mamã T.

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