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At one point in time Celeste and humans lived at peace with one another. They dined and danced when the moon was high until the sun peaked above the horizon. They drank ale crafted from the Dwarves- who would tell stories of the dragons they tamed. Pixies fluttered through the air stealing shiny trinkets and spraying any with their dust.

"Mommy! Was Pixie dust good luck?" the small child asked, interrupting the story being told. Her eyes were wide and shining as she imagined the days before.

Rose smiled down at her child's wonder. Laughing at how all traces of sleep were wiped from Azura's eyes once Rose began tonight's story. Azura had begged all night about stories of magic and mystical beings. Claiming it was the only way she could fall asleep. Now, Rose was beginning to believe she got duped by her five year old. The thought only cemented as Azura bounced in her bed begging Rose to continue.

Of course she obliged her youngest child. "Well Pixie dust is a little tricky. Sometimes Pixies will sprinkle their dust to play tricks on people; like turning a dwarf blue. Other times it's used for luck."

"I want luck from a Pixie! Then I could make Rhys play dolls with me!" Azura teased tiredly. Eyes shining brighter than the nighttime stars as she yawned.

Rose tried hard to hide her laughter at her child's ploy. Her warm brown eyes full of amusement from Azura's teasing. Rose could already hear David's claims of Azura being an exact copy of Rose; full of quick wit and sarcasm.

"Yes, well the Celeste are no longer free." Rose continued on with the story. "Where there is power and difference, fear follows closely by. Kings and Queens grew greedy, their followers uneasy of the Celeste and their powers." her mother's voice shook with memories of the past. Images of Pixie Wings being hung in kingdoms and Dragon talons worn across necks haunted Rose's mind.

Until humans feared the great powers that the Mages wielded. They hunted, burned, and staked innocent people, even those who had no mystic blood, died at the hands of these savages.

Not all humans were against the Celeste. Some offered shelter, or even watched over those that could pass as human. But as villages began to burn and neighbors turned on one another, hiding became far too difficult.

"What did the Celeste do, mommy?"

"Well, Azura. I'll tell you. But you have to promise not to interrupt again." Rose coos, slipping fallen pieces of hair back into Azura's silk bonnet.

The young child nodded her head profusely and snuggled in closer to her mother.

By now the world was at war. Most of the Celeste had enough of hiding and began to fight back. The Elders were beginning to fear what the world would become, and what the future held. So, as a last attempt at hope the Elders created an Unseen world. The Unseen became a safe haven for all Celeste to live freely and not hide their magic.

The Unseen was also a barrier. No nonmagi human could enter nor could they see a Celeste's true form. Preventing any harm from befalling the Celeste ever again. The only humans that could enter and see beneath the mist were those with a powerful gift. They are the Travelers; bridge between mundane and Celeste world. They have the gift of seeing true forms, traveling between worlds, and speaking various languages.

"Are they human?" the young child could not help but ask.

"Of course! They age and bleed just like you and me." Rose smiled warmly at her youngest child. "The kindness and courage seen in their hearts is why our Goddess granted them with special gifts."

"But if they age who continues to help the Elders?" Azura questioned sleepily.

Rose smiled down at her curious child. Azura was always one to question what she was told. Though her curiosity could lead her to trouble sometimes.

"It is said once a Traveler dies their spirit is whisk away to the heavens and transforms into a star. That star hangs high in the evening sky and blesses a newborn with the gift." Rose explained to the drooping eyed child.

"I can't wait to meet one," Azura said between yawns.

"One day, my love you will. But for now, sleep." Rose kissed her child goodnight and tucked her into bed.

Not knowing it would be the last time she did so.


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