Chapter 14

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Beach day, yay! That's what Maddy was calling today. And I honestly didn't get it because we go to the beach almost every day.

We had gotten here about an hour ago, and we'd gone in the ocean and now we were back by our little setup that consisted of our beach towels and a huge tote bag with snacks in it. Maddy is currently tanning, and Claudia is sleeping I think, I really can't tell because she has these huge sunglasses on. And I'm reading a new romance novel I picked up earlier today. Better Than The Movies.

Which is by far perfect for me. It has all the perfect aspects. Romance, check. Taylor Swift references, check. Enemies-to-lovers, check. And not that I think that'd be my trope, if I ever found love, I think I'd be into a slow burn, a friends-to-lovers type thing. And that's just if I get lucky.

And right now, my guess is that I will always and forever be a hopeless romantic. It's in my nature.

The day had been pretty fun and peaceful, that's until we hear, or I hear, Maddy scream, "What is wrong with you Sam!"

"That's enough tanning for today," he said, chuckling, "Don't be boring, there's more fun things to do."

"Still, you don't just come here and dump a bucket of ocean water on me," she complained.

"Lighten up," Elijah said.

"My apologies," James says, "on Samuel's behalf."

"You guys are so aggravating sometimes," Maddy says.

"I thought they were 'not that bad'" I say laughing.

"You too," Maddy says.

"Mhm," I say smiling.

Somehow Sam ended up kneeling by Claudia's chair, poking her glasses. "Is she alive?" he said seriously.

"You're a wanker," James says.

"Yes of course she's alive," I said jokingly Rolling my eyes.

Sam continued to poke her until Claudia gripped his wrist tight. "Touch me again and you won't like what will happen."

"Okay then.." Sam said backing away.

We all began laughing.

"Keep your idiotic friend away from me, Collins," Claudia said.

"Sure, sure," Elijah replied.

"Okay, will you all stop arguing so we can do something fun?" Maddy says, back to her lively self.

"There she is," Sam says.

"What do you guys have planned," Claudia said as if she was going to regret it.

"That's the spirit!" Maddy said.

Then they all go into a debate of what we should do or not.

I sigh deeply as I reopen my book, until a deep voice with a British accent says, "What book are you reading?"

I flip the cover so that it is facing him, "Better Than The Movies," I say.

"Interesting," James says.

"Do you read?" I ask.

"A bit," he says, "but I'm not into much romance."

"I guess I just have to get you into romance," I say smiling, then I ask, "If you're not into romance, what are you into?"

"Mystery and classics," he says.

"Oh really," I say surprised.

"What are you not into that sort of thing?"

"No, I just don't usually read them."

"Well, I guess I just have to get you into it," he says.

"Okay it's settled, we're going to James' house to play water volleyball and stuff," Sam says.

Claudia groans in despair.

"Since when were we going to my house?" James says.

"And I thought we were staying at the beach?" I asked.

"Change of plans," Maddy says packing her stuff up.

"I tried," Claudia says defensively.

"Let's just all go, it'll be fun," Sam says.


I guess we should all trust Sam and Maddy, because this was fun, even though the beach would've done just fine it was fun.

The Davenport's summer house was a huge modern house, and although it wasn't by the beach, it had a pool and was surrounded by plant life. It was beautiful.

Mrs. Davenport, or Morgan, as she preferred to be called, was the sweetest, and said that she'd upstairs if we needed anything but we were free to do anything.

So we were all in the backyard playing water volleyball. Maddy and I were separated because volleyball was our sport. Not that the others were bad, but Sam was just pleading, saying that he just wasn't fair. Suck it up, Claudia, who played lacrosse, had told him constantly. And just like the person she was, Maddy felt bad and went on the opposite team.

I promise she had a soft spot for him, and why, who knows? They've always been like that.

On my team we had, Elijah, Sam, and I and our opposing team were, James, Maddy, and Claudia.

This wasn't a real volleyball game but Maddy and I were playing the "libero" position you could say. The game went well, we won, 25 to 22.

"Don't worry you'll get us next time," I say patting James' back, then I pause, I shouldn't be comfortable with him like this, "Sorry," I mumble.

And now he's grinning, full-on smiling, reaching his eyes. "It's all good," he says, "and yes of course we'll get you guys next time," patting my shoulder.

"Well, I guess we have to see about that," I say smiling.

"I have an idea, let's play chicken," Maddy exclaims.

"Oh gosh," Claudia complains, "give me a break," she also says walking back to the deck.

"Okay," Maddy says, "Claudia is not playing."

"I'll keep her company," Elijah says, "you four play."

"You're the best Eli-bear!" she says swinging her arms around him.

"Eli-bear," Sam says laughing.

"Don't ever call me that again," he says pushing her back.

"Whatever," she says.

"I'm dead serious," he says walking backward towards the deck.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say," Maddy says.

"You're something else," I say, chuckling.

"Why thank you," she says, "I'm with Sam!" she also says.

The boys walk ahead of us, and I whisper to Claudia, "I see what you're doing, and it's not going to work."

"All I'm doing is trying to have a good time," she says acting innocent.

"Mhm," I say, unconvinced.

"Come on, let's go," she says cheerfully.

And I guess this was a not-so-beach day. But, it was fun and I enjoyed it.

My Perfect SummerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora