Chapter 10

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It was getting dark out, and we were all strewn out on our beach towels in Sam's backyard. We had a perfect view of the ocean, boats, the dock, and the sun setting.

The day had been one for the memory books, that's for sure. It was quite eventful if I may say. It went from snorkeling, diving into the ocean, to jet skiing. The day had been amazing, and the most spectacular part of it all, was that I got to spend it with my friends, and her.

I truly don't know if it's me just being the 'sunshine' boy I was, but I wanted to be closer to Renee, be there for her, and know how she was truly doing.

Although lately, she's seemed to be happier. It's either that, or she is getting really good at hiding her feelings.

"Okay my turn," Maddy says to Sam, drawing me from my thoughts, "would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the best looking in the room?"

Sam starts chuckling, "That's too hard, I'm already both," he says.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night," Claudia says getting up, "Come guys it's time to go, it's already 7PM."

"Only?" Elijah says.

"Not only, the suns already setting and some of us like to be on a schedule." Claudia replies.

"Come on it's summertime, and we're all teenagers," Sam says as if he'd be able to change her mind, "how about we live a little."

"Hm let me think about it," She says tapping her chin, "no."

"Maybe Clauds is right, let's go." Reneé then says.

"Fine," Maddy says getting up.

"You're forgetting something," Elijah says, indicating himself , "someone has to drive you home.."

"Ugh, you're so annoying Collins," Claudia complains.

"That's not very convincing sweetheart," Elijah says, completely assumed.

Claudia just rolls her eyes.

"Just ask him Clauds," Renee says.

"Will you please take us home," she grumbles under her breath.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Elijah says to her.

"Will you please take us home!" Claudia spits out.

"Hmm," Elijah says as if he has to think about it.

Getting tired of their banter, I got up and spoke to Elijah, "Let's go, you wanker,"

"Uh-huh," Elijah says.

We all say goodbye to Sam, and the drive to each of our summer houses was full of Elijah and Claudia arguing, which was quite irritating.

I truly do not know where all this bad air came from, or why they don't fancy each other. Because despite they're differences, they seemed alike, and they would be good together.

Enemies to Lovers, you could say.

Most of the drive went a little like this..

"Do you guys want me to play any music?" Elijah would say.

"No, just shut up and drive." Claudia would reply, face deadpan.

I just sat there looking out the window, my heart racing because of the arm brushing mine.


For some reason, my body was always alert when she was around, and being around her made me feel different. A good different.

Sitting beside her, I could feel her also trying to ignore the pair.

One of my new favorite things in the world now was the way this girl felt. All warm and sweet.

Currently, I'm lying down on my navy blue comforter, feeling the ocean breeze coming through my open window, and listening to my playlist on Spotify. Thinking about the girl who cannot seem to leave my mind.

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