Chapter Two: A Crack In The Glass

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9:00 Am Nani;

I was sitting on the corner of the bed, waiting for her to wake up. Today is the day I'm going to be honest with Passion, I'm going to explain why I didn't show up on the fourth of January. Passion seemed upset by my nonappearance. I feel I owe her an explanation. So, I made sure I woke up before her & I also made her breakfast in bed, all her favorites, scrambled eggs, toast, pancakes, orange juice, milk & fruit.

She's so beautiful and peaceful when she's sleeping.

I brushed my fingers gently across her cheek, she smiled sleepily.

"Mornin' babe" I said as she stretched.

"Morning baby" she said back.

"What's all this?" Passion asked, looking at the bedside table full of food.

"I have an explanation to give you and I figured why not surprise you with all your favorites while I explain."

"Okay?" She said questionably with one eyebrow raised.

"The reason I didn't show up to our plans on the fourth for the fireworks was because I had received a last-minute call as to where a suspect was." I explained as passion was feeding her face full of scrambled eggs.

"The suspect was on their way out of town, so I had to respond as quickly as possible to the call, so I didn't lose them. I'm sorry I bailed on our fireworks. I-"

She cut me off with her hand "did you get them?" She asked.

"Yes, we caught him and did what was right. He was accused of murder and rape and the only eyewitness was killed. So, he was let go under 'false accusations' I had every bit of proof that he was guilty, and the courts didn't want to hear it. He was on his way out of town, so i had Kenny try and work as fast as he could to find the fucker before he fled."

She smiled, kissed me and said "you got him, that's all that matters. Just next time let me know or don't be so offensive when I ask you about the obvious on your shirt." She said, rolling her eyes.

I thought to myself 'tell her the truth! Tell her Kenny said if I loop anyone any it puts them in danger. As in, if I loop anyone in regardless of whom it is not only am I a target, but they become one also. With her being who she is they'll go after her just to get to me before they'll even think about coming after me. And of course, I didn't think or remember any of this till now.'

She was giving me a look. Was my facial expression different because of what I remembered?

"Babe, you, okay?" Passion asked worriedly.

"Yeah, baby. I'm fine. Do I seem to be otherwise?"

"No, but your facial expression worried me. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing baby. Everything is fine. I promise. I just remembered something I forgot to tell Kenny, it wasn't important so, it can wait till tomorrow."

"You sure?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"You don't sound very convincing. whatever it is-"

she grabbed my hand.

"We can handle it together."

I thought to myself 'how am I supposed to keep my mouth shut KNOWING I'm clearly putting her in danger?'

I grabbed her other hand.

"Baby, what I remembered isn't something Kenny needs to know... it's something I should've told you first when I told you where I was and what I was doing that night."

"Okay baby, what is it?"

"Whenever I loop someone new in, it also makes them just as much of a target as I am. they will use whomever ESPECIALLY if they know I love that person. I should've told you this and asked you if you still wanted to know. but I couldn't help keeping this secret when you already had seen the blood. I couldn't keep this a secret knowing I was putting you in danger. I'm sorry baby."

she cupped both my cheeks in each of her palms.

"Baby, it's okay, I promise it is. To be honest, I've always wanted a bad reputation."

I smiled and kissed her.

"I am sorry though baby. I wish I would've remembered but I was so determined to tell you the truth I completely forgot about the rest."

"I forgive you sweetie. I love you!"

Two Worlds Collide Series book one: Oh..... Breathe.... just Breathe.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora