Chapter Three: Oh, Now You Need Me?

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(Nani's POV)

There she was, sitting on my couch.

Passion hadn't gotten here just yet. I walked in the door, put my keys in the little bowl Passion has specifically for keys and when I say that I mean it has "if I were keys, I'd be here" written on it.

I walked into the living room after taking off my shoes and there she was in a strapless black top, red pants with four buttons, black high heels, red Hair pulled up into a messy but non-messy bun, sunglasses; so, no one can see the bags under her eyes or the hangover glimmering deep in her eyes. I haven't seen her since I caught her in bed with my best friend. In her defense she was going through something horrible but no excuse. Anyways, when I spoke up the next day and shamed my friend; Kyra stood up and took the blame. That shit crushed me. That was before Passion. That was when I was ignoring my feelings for her; I was ruthless, pissed off at the world, yet, I had no idea why. I didn't think passion felt the same way, but that night, I talked to Passions brother, he set me straight and told me truly how Passion felt, I've never looked back since.

I continued to walk into the living room. I made sure I had that smirk on my face while I asked "so, what's going on that you felt the need to come back after all these years? What was one of the things you told me in our last argument? 'I don't need you; I've never needed you, and I won't ever need you.' Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. What the hell are you doing in my house?!"

"I need help" she said.

"That...that's it? That's all you have to say!? Like I said you told me you didn't want, nor need my help so what the hell? Why are you here?"

"First of all, I know I was rude when we spilt but fuck. Show me some consideration. I mean what the fuck am I supposed to say!? I'm sorry, I miss you!? Neither because I'm not and I don't! We were toxic! Neither of us was happy. Could I have gone about it in a better way? Yes. We were young, we were still finding ourselves, I was going through the worst thing possible. But one thing is for sure you need to chill with the jumping down my throat."

I rolled my eyes 'we were young, finding ourselves!?' i think more like you were too busy to accept the fact you weren't ready for a commitment. What real woman is going to break up with someone by having them walk into what I did?! Then try and use what you were going through as the excuse! How the fuck does that make sense? Please make it Make fucking sense Kyra.  Make me understand it because beyond all that YOU BROKE INTO MY HOUSE!! Do you realize what's going to happen if my fiancée gets home before you leave? Not to mention I do not keep anything from her. YOU BROKE IN how the fuck am I going to explain to my soon to be wife that my ex BROKE INTO OUR HOUSE OVER SOME DUMB BULL SHIT!? None of what you said is a good enough excuse for just popping in like this, unannounced, not to mention God forbid you ring the fucking doorbell or knock on the door."

"Listen, you need to chill on all this. For the simple reason, it's my husband, well soon to be ex-husband, he's hunting me down. He's trying to kill me."

"Oh, the one I warned you about. The one EVERYONE warned you about. But yet out of spite and 'love' you married the prick. How does this have anything to do with me? Is this my cue where I say, 'we told you so.'? How do you expect ME to help?"

"Oh please, Nani, I know what you do, I know what your job is. I'm not stupid. Still as hot headed as ever. You can track him down and do what you do, before he kills me first."

"Explain, then I'll THINK about helping."

I said with an annoyed look on my face.

"We got into a fight, a big one, I ended up getting money from my mom to get away. He left me alone for some good time. I ended up making something of myself. My mom gave me a job at her building. I ended up having my own building and running my own place. Since he hadn't bothered me, I figured he didn't know where I was. So, I thought it was a good time to send him divorce papers under a private address. Well, somehow, he found my job and he made me lose my biggest client. I'm slowly going down in my business because of him. He broke into my apartment and tried to choke me out i got away and he texted me and said."

Two Worlds Collide Series book one: Oh..... Breathe.... just Breathe.Where stories live. Discover now