Chapter One:Starting Over...?

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FIVE YEARS LATER............

I walked into the living room. It was brightly lit by the tall windows. It's a very open space, the windows reach as tall as the ceiling, go all the way down and touch the floor. It also has a huge light gray sectional Nani, and I got it on sale at K-Mart. It has a decent size baby blue massaging loveseat we got to match the humongous light - baby blue rug we have on the floor. There are a few wood-stained end tables to match as well.

In the middle of the biggest wall hangs the largest tv I've ever seen. It honestly looks like a movie theater screen, and yes, of course there is surround sound.

I picked up the remote, I turned the tv on just for noise. Sat down on the couch, lit a cigarette, picked up my black journal with Nani and i's initials along with 'don't touch' in blue and began to write.

January 2nd, 2035

"It's been five years to the day since we buried my brother and my aunt, I'm still not sure how to be okay with it. I've been coping the best and only way I know how. It's not the best nor the way anyone would accept. Honestly, Nani doesn't even for sure know what's going on, or let alone what I'm doing. I've gotten better at hiding it over the years. Speaking of Nani, she has been a great help, absolutely amazing as always. Anytime I'm down or sad and she notices she does and tries anything and everything to make me feel better or at least smile.

We have two days till the fourth of January, that's when the fireworks are. Nani and I have plans to go watch them. We didn't go last year. Don't ask me why, I have no good excuse, as to why we didn't go. We had plans to go but Nani disappeared an hour after our conversation, she didn't show up to our date. She didn't even bother to send me a text and it didn't help that I did not see her at all the next day. I have no idea where she went or what she was doing. She still hasn't told me. She came home on the 5th. I remember it like it was just yesterday. She hurried through the door. She tried not to let me see her shirt, but I noticed something reddish/copper like splatters on it. Her shirt was off white with blue writing on the front and back. I know for a fact there wasn't copper, reddish splats on it when we bought it.

I didn't get a chance to ask her anything, she hurried so fast, and she didn't say two words to me. Hell, she didn't even look at me. She went into our bedroom, got a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. I watched her from the living room. I tried to walk in to see if she was okay. The door to our bathroom was locked. I was worried, I still am. I didn't ask questions though. I'm starting to wish I had.

Today is also Nani's and I's 5th year anniversary of being together. I have a surprise for her tonight at our bonfire.

I still haven't told her what's been truly bothering me. I got most of it off my shoulders by telling her how I truly felt. I haven't come clean about Lilith yet or my addiction. Lilith only comes out to protect me, Nani has never given her a reason to come out. We are together now, we promised each other no secrets. Not going to lie though I'm glad Lilith hasn't had a reason to come out with Nani because; I can't control what she does, I don't know what she does until after we switch back unless she lets me watch.

Lilith doesn't really like Nani. I still haven't figured out why.

It's just a bad idea all the way around. Lilith is getting stronger and it's getting harder to keep her in. I realize she wants to protect me but she's the only other personality of mine. What more can she do, other than keeping me from hearing the bullshit?"

I heard a noise coming from the beginning of my long driveway. Sounds like Nani's car bumpin'. I waited a few more to see if whomever it was pulled up the driveway. Sure enough it was Nani in her baby blue neon. She just put brand new tires on it. yet you can see where she had been doing burnouts and donuts.

Two Worlds Collide Series book one: Oh..... Breathe.... just Breathe.Where stories live. Discover now