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Somewhere in the northern part of Japan, in an underground facility, a doctor was looking over his experiments and the results of the most recent tests. He was excited about one in particular since it was a new prototype compared to the other nomus he had been working on, and it was also just something he wanted to test out. The other nomus were basically mindless and had to be programmed to follow someone's orders. This other one was a cross between his first-stage nomu and the newer ones as it was able to retain its original body even after being modified.

The only problem was that the subject was able to maintain its own control over itself.

This is why, after months of testing and intense experiments on the subject, it was currently put under sedation in a holding tube. Now, the doctor was debating if he should terminate the experiment or not. That would mean he would have to re-harvest the quirks, which he really didnt like as it meant more work since the body would most likely not survive, and he would have to dispose of it.

No, he had to find a way to make it work. Everything he did was to help his master and his goals.

Before the doctor could do anything else, the normal bright lights went out, replaced by the red emergency ones, and the blaring alarm bounced off the walls. On the wall, several screens showed warning signs, and the doctor pulled up a live video of where the issue was.

It was the holding room for his creations, and two black nomus were on a rampage. Thankfully, the two were fighting each other, but in the chaos, some of the machinery was also being damaged, including a few empty pods. Before the damage could get any worse, the doctor typed into the computer to activate the shutdown of that room, then headed there himself.

Back in the room, a lone pod was shown on a bottom screen, the liquid dissipating and the awakening process activated.

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