Chapter Forty-seven: Pep Talk.

Start from the beginning

I flinched hard when he pat my head.
And before he was even gone, my legs suddenly remembered how to work, but it wasn't to run for the nearest exit.

Barely even getting there, I burst into the nearest bathroom stall and threw up in the first toilet I could find, my knees slamming into the cold tiles hard enough to bruise.

Even after my stomach was completely empty, I remained on the floor, feeling defeated and at a huge loss, staring hopelessly at the names on my cast and wondering if I'd ever take it off.

It could remain there forever for all I cared, I'd never fully heal. I'd never get out of this cycle, of being free for only a bit at a time.

Maybe if I had no friends, they won't be able to use them as leverage against me. Better yet, I could run away. Leave everything behind and Hale would never find me ever again.

Yeah, that sounded like a good plan.

Mustering all the strength I could find, I reached up and flushed the toilet, watching everything in it swirl away into wherever useless things went.

"I think I found her!" A voice called from outside the bathroom and a moment later, my stall door swung open to reveal Annie standing there in shock at my crumpled form on the floor. "Violet! What happened?!"

I looked up at her, and I was ready to tell everyone the truth, that Hale was back and he wasn't going anywhere. Angelo joined us a moment later and he was the most beautiful thing I ever saw as he immediately crouched in front of me with worry tinting his features, something about that made me change my mind.

I really was weak.

"I must have had something bad to eat today." I mumbled, looking down. "Can you take me home, please?"

ʕ⁠'⁠• ᴥ⁠•̥⁠'⁠ʔ

My life may have started falling apart at the seams all over again but at least I could study. And that's what I did, all day for the past two days.

It was easier to think in calculations and chemical formulas, there was no need to solve for an abusive X.
True, my back hurt from bending over for too long and I'd finished about three whole pencils but at least I'd maintain my perfect GPA, it didn't matter that I had to turn off my phone because of the constant calls I kept getting from my friends.

Even Dad kept coming to my room to tell me through the door that there were people here to see me, or that someone dropped something off for me. I just told him thanks.

The only reason he was letting me stay was because I told him I was dealing with an intense case of period cramps so bad it caused me to have a fever, therefore I just couldn't be in school. Word must have gotten round that I was sick.

It wasn't a complete lie either, I just wasn't myself since Hale cornered me two days ago and I didn't want to see anyone, even Angelo. Especially Angelo.

Getting up from my swivel chair I went to my window to check on Dad who was currently attending to my friends. They all looked upset.

Susan even kicked over a big houseplant in anger before covering her mouth, surprised when its flowerpot broke. Then the next few minutes were spent apologizing to my Dad.

The only car in the driveway was Jason's.

When they finally left, I made my way downstairs into the living room, wading through all the presents and flowers and get-well cards that were arranged at the bottom of my stairs just to get there.

I thought I could make a quick something-sandwich and hurry back upstairs before Dad came in but someone was in my kitchen, someone I most definitely didn't invite!

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