(Lore) The Religions

Start from the beginning

Only two beings know that her afterlife is simply an experiment to help her predict the chaos which is the future.

Even if she is the reason it exists. It's too ever-changing to know for certain.


God of Space, Travel, Adventure, Alcohol, The Sky, The Stars, The Sea, Chivalry, Dimensions, and Messages.

The ice to Kronas's hot water, Journoy is the embodiment of "Space". Planetoids, Stars, are what people can thank him for.

His followers are found in the strangest of places thanks to how active he is in his community.

To all those who seek adventure, Journoy provides. To those who wish for wind in their sails, Journoy provides.

As for an afterlife, his followers are privy to a heaven where they can explore that which they could have never, been alive.

Out of all the gods, he's close if not the kindest one.


Goddess of Nature, Physics, Animals, Harvest, Weather, and Evolution.

The embodiment of all natural forces in the universe, Giara stands strong as the rival to Sciron.

Her followers must follow a strict code that mostly revolves around self-sustaining, nature coexistence, and preservation of the natural world.

These rules have split her followers into three factions. The Hunters; who eat what they beat, the Farmers; Who follow the code closely by the books not using any loopholes, then there are the Druids; Who have used every loophole to make the most advanced civilization possible with their limits.

You'll rarely find followers of Giara outside their villages. And if you do, it is usually young adults with intentions of keeping the gene pool healthy and or converting people.

With steam-powered instruments becoming household necessities, one might think twice before joining her faith.

You'll be surprised by how advanced they truly are. Especially when you remember Giara's rule over physics.

As well with her gifts of understanding of nature, weather, and natural forces to a degree that some can control it.

Her afterlife is a garden which is rumored to be what the planet would be without any outside influence.


God of Law, Order, Kings, War, and Vengence.

He is the "lone" god who rules over the others as their leader...

Judor is the reason for the rules of the world. His religion is even more simple.

If you don't worship any other god, but you follow the basic rules of no killing, stealing, ect, then you are automatically a follower of his.

His gifts aren't as simple.

A loyal follower could receive land, a monthly sum of money, a Charismatic aura that helps you achieve your goals, or all of the above and more.

This alone makes Judor almost unmatched in popularity.

He offers an afterlife that is simply a world without rules.

He also offers hell to every religion with unworthy followers.

On the surface, he is quite fair and just, until it comes to something he desires... In which case, he'll use every loophole to get that one thing.

Last but not in any way least...


Goddess of Life, Emotions, Luck, Birth, Rebirth, Pranks, Lies, and the Sun.

She is the reason we have life. And especially, the humans.

Twin to Azrei, the two are perhaps the closest in bond and the only gods that are truly related.

Her followers are asked to do two things.

Whatever brings them joy, and to do that without ruining someone else joy.

And her blessings of long life, great luck, destruction of depression, eternal motivation... And much more...

She is almost the god with the most followers.

Her only flaw is the pranks she plays and the fertility she enhances to the point triplets aren't rare.

But her afterlife gives a soul a personal paradise of their choosing with none of the negative emotions that make people forget about her flaws.

But I now wonder... Which God would you choose?

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