Start from the beginning

~Next day, at office.

A knock sounded on my door, " Come in. " A pageboy came in with an envelope in his hand, " Ma'am it was delivered for you. "
" Keep it here, thank you. You can leave. "
He kept the envelope on my desk, I flipped it open curious to see what it was, it felt heavy. I didn't have any mail to be delivered, opening it I was shocked to see the contents, picture of me and anirudh from our date last night, all evening till we reached home. Shit, what the hell is this, a letter fell out of it as I was emptying the envelope, opening it I read,

Hi baby,
I know you miss me but you shouldn't indulge with him so much. I don't like this, I don't like him. He's getting too touchy with you. I know you don't like him baby, don't worry I'll be there soon. Wait for me okay?
I love you baby. Bye.

Shit, is someone pranking me. It's fuckin' scary. I just threw the letter in the bin and the photo, well the cameraman clicked them quite nicely, I can't waste them now. So I kept them. Still this is creepy.

~3 weeks earlier

Unknown number2: Baby why are you doing this. You know I don't like him with you. Don't tempt me to punish you.

Unknown number2: why do you have to get so close to him. You know I can't bear it. I'm warning you stay away from him. Okay baby?

This time I was just scrolling my phone when this stupid person decided to disturb my peace, is he psychotic or mentally ill. I tried searching for this number too but like last time it was just a burner phone. So I just blocked it again and put it in the back corner of my mind.

~Present day.

This person if really crazy, I'll have to talk to hridh bhai to sought this. I don't want to but I don't like the vibe this person is emitting, I don't want to bother with him.

My phone rang just as I finished blocking this number too, speak of the devil, devil appears. It's hridh bhai,
" Hii bhai how are you. "

" Huh? This soon.? "

" Alright, I'll be back by Sunday. "

" Yeha I'm okay bhai. "

" You too. Bye. "

I don't know what to say, bhai couldn't have dropped more of a bombshell on me. I decided to go to the garden for a walk, I really need it, first that psycho and then bhai's phone, I really need a break. I dumped my phone in my room and just went out in my pajamas.
And to my surprise he was there too. Seeing down at my outfit I pondered over changing but it's not like it's too much. It's just a night suit, who cares if it's short or long as long as it's comfy.

He turned to me as soon as I stepped in the garden, it has been like this, he always knows when I'm in his proximity, I sense him too but only when he gets too close or he looks at me, the way he looks is a dead giveaway, while him he'll know from across the hall that I'm there. Even if I tiptoe across it he still knows I'm there.

" You heard? " I knew what he was talking about without any explanation.

That's what has happened over the past weeks, we are almost in sync now. Just a hint and he gets what I want. Two weeks ago when it was time for my period, he was with me for the whole night, yup he stayed in my room but on the couch, he reheated the heat pack when it got cold, made me brown sugar water and he bought me chocolates and ice cream. I almost cried due to the hormones. So yes, he knows what I want now even more than I do.
Seeing as he was still waiting for my reply, I nodded and said, " Yeah, "
" When are you leaving? "

" Saturday. " I said walking towards him, as I reached him he held my hand and we started walking together, it might be the first time we were here like this, I mean we've gone everywhere in the last weeks like this but in our house walking with him in our garden felt different.

" What about you? " I asked him,
" Saturday. "

We walked for a while and then when we reached the bench in the garden and I think it wasn't just me who wanted to sit, so we both made our way there and sat.
" Are you ready princess? " He asked and as I didn't know how to reply I asked him back, " Are you? "

" I am, I am ready to make you mine. I've waited too long now. "
I didn't reply, I couldn't, I still don't know how he can say such words with a straight face while my heart starts doing gymnastics when he's done. Maybe he thought that I was reluctant cuz his next words were,
" Don't worry. If you don't want to, I can talk to dad and postpone the date. We can wait till you're ready? "

Oh god, I don't know what to say. One moment he's all ready to make me his, his words not mine, and the next he's ready to wait till I'm ready. And yeah, the wedding date has been decided. 7 January, two weeks from now. I'm getting married and well I know that, I'm ready as much as I can be, so I replied,

" Hey it's not that. I am ready but it's just, I don't know, I've been back for just three months and now. But still I know I'm ready and moreover we can't postpone even if we want to.

" Huh, why? " He asked, maybe he wasn't told the reason for arranging it so soon.

" Dugu, ansh and ahaan will be leaving on 10th." Yes, my bacha party is leaving. They'll be going to the gurukul on 10th and as no one wants them to miss my wedding, it has to be before that. It's not like I can marry without them, how can they not be in my own wedding. So if I have to get married sooner then it's perfectly fine.

" That's why they are in a hurry. "

" Yeah, the letter from the Gurukul came last night. "

" Then princess, you're in for it even if you've not ready. But I really hope you are. " He said gazing at me with such intensity that I lost again. I can never hold his gaze for more than a minute, I just can't, it has so much in it that I can't decipher it. And it scares me.

" It's getting late, we should get inside. " He said getting up from the bench and I followed suit soon after.
He followed me till my room and well pecked my forehead " Good night princess. " " Good night. " I replied.

So this is one of the many things that changed in the last weeks, him walking me to my room and then pecking my forehead like it's a natural thing to do, it's like a routine by now. And I'm not gonna tell him, but I like it.

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