What do I do!?

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Once Jesper had calmed down enough. He explained everything to him. It was so hard to tell him all of it without bursting into full blown panic and tears. Klaus just stayed silent and held him. Waited patiently for him to finish..

Jesper: I-I just don't know what t-to do! My dads gonna h-hate me!

He said finishing.

Klaus: Maybe.. we could pretend we aren't dating? I mean... he wouldn't believe Mogens over his own son surely.

Jesper lit up. He was right!

Jesper: Klaus you're a genius! I-

He paused.. wondering why Klaus brought up that idea. He always hated the thought of hiding our relationship to anyone.. he told him that when they first started dating.. he thought to himself.. "why would I wanna hide it either..?" Sure it was his dad.. but he barely saw him anymore anyways. And he had his friends to help support him..

Jesper: No.. that's stupid.

Klaus looked at him confused.

Klaus: What do you mean..? You just said I was a genius for the idea?

He was trying to hide how upset he was for even suggesting that idea. Maybe Jesper had figured him out.

Jesper: Who cares if he finds out..?

He looked at him and smiled.

Klaus: You do! And you very well should.. he's your dad!

Now Jesper was confused why he was so okay with it being hidden around his dad..

Jesper: Why.. are you so okay with hiding it..? You told me you hate hiding our relationship in the first place..

"He remembered.." Klaus smiled. He didn't think he would remember that but he's incredibly happy he did..

Klaus: If.. I'm being honest.. I'm not.. I- just.. wanted to make you happy.

Jesper: Klaus..!

He felt bad. But somewhat happy in a way.. that he would make an attempt to find anyway to make him feel okay. Even if it hurt him.

Klaus: Hey.. it's okay. I suggested it.

They talked about it more and in the end they were both happy and confident to telling his dad. No matter what Mogens said or did.

The next day

Everything stayed the same as it originally did. Jesper went to his job. Klaus stayed at home and made whatever his mind thought off. But.. Jesper got a note from his dad saying that he was coming to visit him tomorrow. He even mentioned that Mogens wrote to him saying he missed him so much he wanted him to visit.

Mogens: Wanna rethink about denying me now?

Jesper just smiled at him.

Jesper: Nope.

He didn't have any doubts about his decision. Just straightforward. Mogens looked smirked at him to intimidate him.

Mogens: Oh really? That confident hm?

He circled around him and stopped behind him to whisper in his ear.

Mogens: IF he isn't okay with it.. you know he can do anything he wants to stop your relationship.

Jesper froze.

Jesper: M-My dad would never do that.

Mogens: Would he..? You never thought he'd send you to this dump... yet he did.

Jesper: He did it for my own good!

Mogens: He did it so you could act right. Instead of being a spoiled brat. He just wanted you out of his hair.

"He isn't right.. he loves me..." he tried telling himself that.

Mogens: Last chance..

Jesper: Never! My dad loves me!

Mogens: Will see if he loves you enough to be okay with you dating someone older then him.

Jesper: He would want me to date someone like Klaus! Not someone like you! He makes me feel good about myself. He makes me feel loved!

Mogens: We will see tomorrow won't we?

He leaves him. Alone with his thoughts. He tries to doubt everything he said but he can't help but maybe believe some things he said. Maybe.. even believing dating Mogens is the only way that his dad will accept him.

I'm not entirely sure when there will be an ending to this.. but I definitely don't want this ending either! But I am gonna like fix the chapters a bit (like fixing any mistakes or misspells) since I originally started this before I had my chromebook so I would just type these on my ipad! So now that I had the device to fix them easily I'm definitely gonna do it eventually! And.. it's gonna be my birthday in 9 days! I'm so excitedddd anyways see y'all in the next part!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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