Is This How I Really Feel?

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Klaus paused by how much he just confessed to him. Jesper didnt say a word either. He just looked at him.. waiting for anything to come out of his mouth.

Klaus: I-I.. I don't know. I'm sorry. Sorry for raising my voice at you. I should of just dropped it.

He started to stutter his words but still kept rambling on and apologizing. Jesper smiled at him.

Klaus: What..?

He finally realized Jesper was smiling instead of being angry or upset.

Jesper: Its cute when you ramble..

He looked down feeling embarrassed to about what he was admitting.

Klaus eyes widened and he could just feel his cheeks getting red. Though you couldn't really tell with his big beard. Again. There was silence. Klaus thought to himself "Is this how I really feel about him?" His best friend. Was this even okay? Jesper probably hated him now knowing how jealous he is over him talking to Mogens. What he has been doing is incredibly wrong. But he didn't look mad.. neither full of hate? God all these emotions and feelings where confusing him.

Klaus: W-Well.. uhm.. I should really get going-

He was cut off by a quick kiss on the cheek. Jesper got out after that and walked to his house. Klaus froze. Jesper took one last look at him and laughed. Waving goodbye after and going inside. Klaus immediately went home as fast as he could. He felt as if he was dreaming which he hoped he wasn't. this really was to good to be true. He ran inside and paused.

Klaus: What if he only meant that in a friendly way?

He felt heartbroken thinking about that. I mean how could he like someone so much older then him? He just made a fool out of himself to be let down like that? He wanted to cry. Instead he just went to bed. Jesper probably isn't gonna bring this up again. He certainly would wanna date someone near his age so why keep his hopes up.


As soon as he closed the door Jesper almost feel to his knees on what he did. He kept thinking 'did i do good?" He was never the one to make the first moves on ANYTHING so he was enjoyed of himself he thought of what he was gonna do in the morning.

Jesper: Maybe.. he will confess to me! I mean he wasn't mad at me!? Neither did he look happy at me either.. he frowned.

He really didn't wanna think negative at this moment. So he kept his hopes up!

I have decided to post again! Yayyyy! Anyways I Feel like im making this really unrealistic on how the characters would act about this.. but I don't really care! Im having fun doing it! 😭 by the way I have another wattpad where I post other things besides Klausper! If you'd guys maybe like to read some of my other creations ill gladly tell my user in the next part! Besides that I hope you enjoyed this part!

Jealousy? (Klaus x Jesper story) Where stories live. Discover now