I know you're lying to me.

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Again that same feeling he has when Mogens called him cutie came back again. He wanted to hurt Mogens. It was a crazy thought and he knew but he didn't care. He- loved.. Jesper..? He didn't know what he thought of Jesper! He just wanted him away from him.

Jesper saw Klaus and made a run for him to maybe get Mogens away from him.

Jesper: Hey Klaus! How long have you been here for..?

Klaus: Just got here.

You could tell the anger in his voice right away.. Jesper tried to ignore it but he couldn't stop thinking the fact that maybe.. he was the reason he was feeling this way.. he wanted to ask him why he was mad at him but he was just nervous.

Jesper: Klaus..?

He ignored him. He was to angry to talk or sort shit out right now.

Jesper: Klaus!

He called again.

Klaus stared at him angrily instead of responding to him.

Jesper: What am I doing wrong..?

He looked at him as if he was about to cry.

Klaus: What makes you think it's your fault.

Jesper: For the past few days you've always been pissed whenever you're around me! If that's not obvious I don't know what is.

Klaus was just beyond furious at him and Mogens.

Klaus: I think I know what's up with you two.

Jesper was confused.

Jesper: What..?

Klaus: You're secretly dating Mogens.

Now it was Jespers turn to get mad.

Jesper: Excuse you!?

Klaus: Well you're not so secret about it. But still. Y'all are so fucking lovey dovey just tell me the truth.

Jesper: I am! I don't like him Klaus! Why are you so worried about who I fucking date!?

Klaus set the coach aside at Jespers house. Waiting for him to get out. He was pissed and tired.. he just wanted to lay down.

Klaus: I know you're lying to me.

Jesper: why do you care!? He starts getting louder.

Klaus: I don't know okay!? I don't fucking know! I just- get so angry when he's around you and flirts with you!

Jesper pauses and his cheeks slowly get red.

Jesper: A-Are you jealous..?

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting since.. JUNE. I recently made a new account since for some reason I cant change my username- and I really don't like it because it's my deadname. And I've recently transitioned.. I honestly didn't think nobody liked this story so I thought nobody would care! But it seems like this has gotten more attention! So maybe if I figure out how to change my user soon.. I will post more!

NOTE: i figured out how to change my user! So if anyone would like more of these! let me know!!

Jealousy? (Klaus x Jesper story) Where stories live. Discover now