chapter 17

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Tubbo's pov

"Hey Boss man!" I smile.

"Hey Tommy!! Do you know the girl in the call called Y/n? She said you were friends I don't believe her!" Sarah barks.

"Yeah we are best friends! And have been for I think 13 years!!" Tommy grins happyly.

"Oh.." Sarah hisses.

"Hey! Sorry I was on deafen" Y/n says joining the call.

"It's fine now let's start the date!!" Tommy yells.

"Yeahh!!!" I shout too.

"Y/n? Can I talk to you alone in vc2" Sarah barks.

"Yeah totally!" She chims.

Y/n's pov

"Stay away from Tubbo! I love him! I am only 'dating' Tommy to get close to Tubbo! And you will not be touching him or loving him!!" She hisses.

"Two small problems! One: I live with Tubbo-" I start.

"Move out!" She barks.

"I am going to ignore that! But Two: I am fucking dating him!" I laugh.

"Break up!" She cries.

"No thank you!" I smile.

"I'm going to tell the boys!!" She cries.


"Tubbo!! Tommy!! Y/n is bulling me!!" Sarah fake cries.

"I was not if I was I wouldn't do it here I would find your address THEN bully you there!" I grin.

"PFT- HAHAH!" Tommy laughs.

"Twmmy! Stwp!" Sarah says very pick me like.

Tubbo stays quietly "I'm gonna go now! Do your vlog/video I have caused enough trouble here! Byeee!" I smile leaving the call, shortly after that I hear foot steps on the ground then a knock "come in!" I smile.

"Hey Y/n, I don't really think it was to nice that you bullied Sarah, I hate her too but you went to far" Tubbo say leaning on my door frame.

"But I didn't! She was lying it's clear that she was lying!!" I as feel upset.

He frowns "sure..."

"I am telling the truth!!" I start to cry.

"I'm sorry but I do not believe you" he glares.

"I am telling the fucking truth!!" I cry tears falling down my face.

He walks away and slams my door and I sob into hard cry and fall to the ground and hug the bear Tubbo got me and I sob into the forehead of the bear, I fall asleep after awhile I must of been asleep for ages because Wilbur woke me up "Y/n?! Are you okay?!" Wilbur says cupping my cheeks and look at my teared stained cheeks.

"N-no.." I stutter.

"How did this!" He cries mad.

"Tu-Tubbo.." I stammer.

He gets up and walks quickly to Tubbo's room I think?

Tubbo's pov

"What the fuck did you do to my sister?" Wilbur barks.

"What do you mean?!" I say actually confused.

"You made her cry!" He shouts.

I say on my desk chair confused then it hit me, "I need to see her-" I start.

"No you will not! She will not see you" Wilbur roars.

"But I need to talk to her!" I cry.




"shit!" I think


Hey! This chapter is abit dramatic but ehh! I don't really care much! Have a wonderful day! (I also wanted to post another thing today)

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