chapter 11

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Tubbo's pov

I wake up and I feel really hungry so I get up forgetting about everything "I feel great!" I think smiling too myself.

"Tubbo? Is that you" Y/n asks from the couch.

I jump in fear "oh it's you Y/n! You scared me!" I laugh.

"Sorry!" She laughs seeming to forget about Wilbur.

I stand there forgetting my question "oh! What's the time?" I ask.

"Uhh.. 4:21am why?" She asks.

I stand at the cupboard "do you want something to eat?" I ask her smiling.

"No.. im sorry, I watched a movie I hope you don't mind that I'm using your stuff!" She begs.

"No no it's okay! I don't mind" I smile.

=Next morning=
Y/n's pov

I wake up on Tubbo's bed? When did I get here I was last on the couch... I look around to see no one? I walk downstairs to see Tubbo! Watching TV "Wowww TV so funnnnn" I say sarcastically.

"Sorry Sleeping beauty" he laughs.

"Huh? What's the time" I ask.

"Welllll it's 11:58am" he laughs looking at his phone watch.

"Welp-" I start.

When a loud and storng knock bangs on the door of Tubbo's house he opens the door I hide behind a wall and it's... Wilbur.

"Hello Wilbur..." Tubbo says uneasy.

"Where the FUCK is my sister?!" He starts yelling walking in pushing Tubbo aside.

"She left, she went to *****" Tubbo says and says a random apartment complex.

Wilbur stands there looking around as I slowly and quietly walk to Tubbo's room and hide in his closet.

"Let me have a look." He barks walking pasted Tubbo.

Tubbo's pov

"Shit, Shit, shit! He will find her!! Y/n please say you found a good hiding spot!" I think worrying.

=After Wilbur checked everywhere but Tubbo's closet=

"She isn't here huh?" He frowns.

"No she did leave" I frown back.

Y/n's pov

"No she did leave" Tubbo says sounding mad.

I hold my mouth because they are in the room "stay quiet Y/n!" I think.

"Well then I will leave YOU BETTER HAVE NOT HIDED HER!" Wilbur snaps.

"I did not" he frowned.

"Good." Wilbur barks.

=After Wilbur left=

"Y/n??" Tubbo calls out actually worried.

"Yeah?!" My muffled call ringed in the closet.

"Oh you hided in my closettt. Smart" Tubbo laughs.

"Helppp!! I'm falling! Shit!" I say as alot of clothes fall on my face.

I hear Tubbo open the closet and laugh"help my ass!!" I bark.

"Oh right sorry!" He says pulling me out.

"I'll help you clean the mess I made!" I laugh atarting to pick things up.

Tubbo help then he turns to me "Y/n? Did you hear it in Wilbur's voice?" He asks.


"He was drunk,"

I just sat on the ground about to cry "Y/n?!" Tubbo worrys.

"He-he promised not to drink!" I weep.

"Why If you feel okay sharing!" He quickly says.

"My dad was drunk and he was driving me from daycare, Wilbur from school and my mum from her work an-and he crashed my mum died because of the inpack and my dad also died from inpack and me and Wil had to go to an orpenchge and a lovely family took us in until Wilbur could get a house and he promised not to drink!" I sob.

"What?!" Tubbo says shock.

"Tommy's family adopted us I stay with Tommy for ages until I moved in this year!" I sobbed more.

"So that's why you are so close to Tommy" Tubbo says hugging me to comfort me.


I hope you enjoy! The next one will be out soon and MAN I AM ON A ROLL!!!

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