chapter 8

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Tubbo's pov

After the stretches we do the REAL stuff.

"Ow my balls!!" Tommy complaints.

"Okay everyone! Now time for the cartwheels!" The instructer smiles.

"Noo!" Wilbur, Tommy groans.

"Okay, Y/n first!" She grins.

Y/n's walks up and do the cartwheels and does seven of them.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!' Tommy shouts shocked.

"Ta-Da!" She says landing on her feet.

I walk up to down mine and I do two and stumble around.

"TUBBO? HOW?!" Tommy yells and Wilbur's jaw is on the floor.

"I donno!" I smile.

After the Vlog we went to Y/n and Wilbur's house and had afternoon tea and talked Y/n got tired and went to bed Tommy went home to edit, Wilbur went to stream I just sat on the couch on my phone.

I hope in twitter and just look at many tweets huh one from Y/n it says: go to twithcon! Bitches be ready!! "WILBUR!!" I shout knocking on his door.

"IM STREAMING!" he shouts.

"I NEED YOU FOR A BIT" I shout back.

"Hold on Chat I will be back!" He says to his chat.

"What." He frowns.

"Look! Y/n streams! Since when?!" I ask shoving my phone in his face.

"She doesn't?" He frowns "Y/N!!"

"Shit! Be right back guys," she says faintly "yeah?"

"SINCE WHEN DO YOU STREAM?!" Wilbur yells.

"Two year, nineteen million subs and on Youtube Twenty millions subscribers, I tried to tell you many times but you never listen." She scowls.

"Oh.." he says.

"Yeah! I'll be streaming and I am going to Twithcon whether you like it or not!" She raises her voice slamming her door on our faces.

Wilbur bursts into tears and sobs "I have been a bad brother!"

"Wilbur.. Stay calm I'll finish your stream and come back.." I say looking sad.

=After Tubbo finishes Wilbur stream=

"Why?! Why couldn't I be there for her!" He sobs into his hands.

"Hey.. Wil you haven't been a bad brother.." I saden.

"I'm sorry you have to calm be down you should be doing normal things for you!" He sobs more.

Y/n's POV

"Hey guys! Sorry I had to do something quickly!" I smile at my computer.

"I have been a bad brother!" Wilbur faint sobs ring in my ears.

"Let's get back to laugh you lose!" I say.

Tubbo's pov

"Hey Wilbur it's fine I don't mind, just have a lie down okay?" I say worried.

"Okay.." he says through sobs.

"Good.." I whisper "I'll take care of her later."

=After Y/n's stream=

"So. Enjoy being rude to your brother?" I spat.

"What?!" She barks standing up.

"Yeah! You heard me! Your brother is in FUCKING PIECES!" I shout.


"DON'T BLAME IT ON HIM! ITS YOUR FUCKING FAULT ASSHOLE!" I howl slapped her on her cheek.

She just stands there in shock then tears run down her face like rivers and stutters "since Mom and Dad died everyone is on his side.. I didn't think you would too!" She cries pushing me out of the way and runs out of the house.

"Y/N!! I WAIT I'M SORRY!" I yell running after her but she out runs me and I couldn't find her.

Y/n's POV

I keep running for what seems like hours I don't stop until I get out of breath "UGH! I HATE YOU!" I scream up at the sky.

"Hey pretty lady~ what are you doing alone? Come with me~" a creepy guy laughs probably as old as Wilbur (27).

"Leave-leave me alone!" I say scared for my life.

Next thing I know I'm in a very dark room missing all of my clothes "mmh!!" I try to scream but a cloth is on my mouth so I can't.

"Oh honey~ keep it down you'll just hurt yourself more after what happen~" he purred.

"Wilbur?! Tubbo! Please save me!..." I think crying.

Tubbo's pov

I keep running hoping to find her but I end up at a police station "please help! My friend is missing!!" I cry tears flooding my face.

"Okay what does she look like and what's her name?" A police officer asks.

"Y/n Soot! 5'5 and has (your color eyes and hair) please help her!" I cry.

"Stay calm air we will find her.." a woman voice says trying to calm me down.

=At home=

"Wil! Y/n's missing!!" I cry falling on the ground crying hard.

"No!!" He crying falling next to me.

=A few week later=

"Tubbo come on eat! I miss her too! But you must eat!" Wilbur cries banging on my door.

Then the bell rings "hello! Are you Wilbur Soot? We found Y/n Soot" a friendly police officer smiles from the door "could with us to the station"

"Y/n!" Wilbur cries as I come out of my room happy for the first time in weeks.

×at the police station×

"Y/n! Oh my Y/n!" Wilbur cries runntto her hugging her.

I standed at the door of the station in shock she had scars all over her body bruises to and cuts "Y/n?" I say softly.

"I'm sorry guys!" She breaks down hugging Wilbur.

"Why are you sorry?!" Wilbur asks crying too.

"I ran away!" She cries.

"Sorry to break up this wonder reunion but Mr.Soot and I talk to you?" An officer asks.

=With Tubbo and Y/n=

"Hey.. Y/n I'm sorry..." I say walking up to her.

She just hugs me and puts her face in the crack of my neck "I'm sorry!" She cries.

"Hey.. shh.. it's okay..." I say "what happen?" I asked quietly in her ear.

"I got r@ped and tortured" she whisper tears flooding her face

A/N: this is a real thing I am not making fun of it! And would never!!

I stand there in shock dropping my arms from the hug "what?...." I say quietly "what the fuck!" I say louder.


Hey! This one is longer and more anstest and sad! Next one will not be as much!! Xoxo!!

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