Chapter fourty-three.

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Minji spends her night working checking the pending files on her desk to the main point that she didn't notice her phone is ringing wildly so she choose to picked it up the more she ignore it, the more it rings more.

𝙿𝚑𝚊𝚖 𝙷𝚊𝚗.


look is this really im--

is this Ms.Kim Minji?

yeah i guess...

Ms.Pham Hanni is drunk we're near closing...

what bar? who is the owner?

Lee Heesung ma'am

okay ill be there in a minute make sure pham hanni is safe

yes ma'am

𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍

she immediately stood up and pick her keys and about to leave the office but her phone rings again, she picked it up but this time the call is from Arin



i need to drop this im so sorry
pham hanni needs me


Ma'am Ms.Choi Arin is drunk she's here in a bar

what the fuck...

you're a friend of Mr.Lee

she's in his bar...

okay ill be there...

𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍.


he grope her hair what a nice call two woman involves to her is in a same bar drunk and she needs to fetch the two of them...

so she speed off and decided to leave as she arrive at the place she was welcomed by Lee Heesung

"looks like Ms.Gorgeous is facing a big trouble now huh" Heesung said she scoffed as she follow the young man to one VIP room

"you have no idea how this stress me out" she said and sigh when the room open she saw Pham Hanni and Choi Arin sleeping in one bed look both drunk so she walk near Hanni and fix it hair "Hanni..." she calls her but no response "sweetie... "  when she calls her that she hear Hanni mumble something but its in gibberish "why did you drink? you're not good in alcohol... lets get you home alright?" she said Hanni nods as her eyes are shut "Hee can you carry Arin?" she asks him

Heesung gave a thumbs up and smile at her and carry Arin.

she softly carry Hanni on her arms and make sure she's in comfortable position she can feel Hanni burry her face at her chest as the light hits her eyes and she whined a little it makes Minji giggle "the lights still hurts your eyes" she said the girl pout but still asleep on her chest.

as they arrive on her car and Arin is at the back seat she place Hanni on the other side and cover them with the blanket at the trunk she says thank you to Heesung and she ride at the drivers seat.

on her way she keeps looking at the mirror and sigh she was laughing at herself to get in this position, two ladies involve to her even Arin is her friend she's still involved to Minji as her fake fiancé. when she arrive at the house where she stays because she's too tired to drive the two young lady at their house she carry Hanni first and place it on her king size bed and remove its heels and kiss its forehead "sleep tight, you beautiful woman" she said and smile when Hanni shifts on bed.

she make sure she's comfortable in bed and she go back at her car to see Arin slightly awake so she carry her "why did you drink?" she asks her

"I like you Kim Minji... i break our promises... i like you slowly" Minji was frozen, she can't like her she can't be fall in love with her like that... she's still in love with Pham Hanni and no one else... she can't afford having two woman in her life, having two wives is not a good thing if her father never did that why will she do it? she's drunk just drunk tomorrow they will talk...

she slowly put her down in bed and caressed its head tucked her under the same blanket where Hanni is in "sleep tight." she said  again and grab the micellar water and remove her make up and she walked near Hanni and slowly lean down to kissed its forehead and remove her makeup when she's about to leave Hanni held her wrist and spoke sleepily

"sleep beside me please" Hanni begged but that's weird so she slowly remove Hanni's hand on her wrist and kneel beside her and caressed its cheeks "i love you so much"

"i can't sleep beside you now...there is a right time for that.. sleep tight angel" she said and smile a little, she slowly lean down as she pressed her lips on Hanni's plump once when she pulled out she whisper between their connected lips "i love you angel"

she stood up and leave and change her clothes drink water and lay down at the big couch and cover herself with blanket

"i like you Kim Minji" those words echo in her ear so she jolt up fast and grab a fistfull of hair and shake her head that's stupid...

she made a promise not to fall in love, why? no one can stop someone from falling in love, no one can tell someone to never like them even if they promise not to.

looks like gorgeous woman will not get any sleep for tonight, she sat back and play on PS5 instead cursing for the multiple times she had lose the game and slamed her head on the couch and groan in anger

"fuck fuck gorgeous girl nice night for you lover girl" she said to herself and that goes till the morning.

morning came and Kim Minji is dancing on the kitchen as she cook breakfast for the three of them, great for those ladies they have a nice sleep while her she stayed up all night.

when the two woman appear on the kitchen with their tired faces she smile on them nicely "good morning beautiful ladies had a nice sleep?" she said the two look at each other as she said those she place the food in the table and remove the apron on her she point the chairs  "take a seat,lets eat" she said

"ah.. im going now Minji" Hanni said and about to leave but Minji chase her at the door and close the door again Hanni look at her with those cute gaze

"come on... i cooked" she said Hanni shake her head

"your fiancé will feel uncomfortable if im there" Hanni said she shake her head and place her hand on her waist and pull her

"please... Hanni" she said to the cute tone that Hanni can't resist

Hanni will explode at the feeling of Minji's hand on her waist and can't resist that cute stares looking at her so she nods and go back in dining area and see Arin sitting there. Minji pull a chair for her and when she sat Minji sit down in the middle and serve her and Arin food and they ate.

"Minji i think she should know" Arin said she look at Arin and look at her food again "We're not fiancé she said those to get back against Soobin" Arin

"so you're lying... to hurt me more... "-Pham Hanni...

a/n: okay having two gorgeous ladies in your bed is a trouble lmao

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