Chapter fourteen

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Hanni didn't know how many times her sister had caught her starring at Kim Minji's face for that day all she knew she wants to stare in that amazing, perfectly detailed face of Minji but the problem is everytime Minji is looking back at her she found herself looking into somewhere else she didn't know why but she's so shy.

She can't make a proper eye contact to her own girlfriend. She just look away everytime Minji is looking back at her, she only have the urges to look at her when she's asleep at the side of her hospital bed.

"Unnie... Minji unnie will melt if you keep starring at her like that" Haerin said as she caught her sister once again

"Who wouldn't stare at this face!? She's so beautiful" she said as she keep her eyes focus on its perfect nose, down to her lips. How much she wants to kiss those lips again.

"Whatever, I'll just go down and buy some drinks i will check Danielle too if she's back already" Haerin said as she left the door leaving Hanni starring into her girlfriend's adorable face

She inched her hand slowly and caress Minji's cheeks as her thumb run to its eye lids and to its lips. She smile as she finally realize that she's lucky to have Minji by her side, she was startled when her hand was caught at Minji's bigger ones and Minji is looking back at her straight into her eyes she immediately look down, but Minji lift her chin and make their gazes met

"Dont look away... Look at me" Minji said as she climb off the bed as Hanni unknowingly made a space for Minji beside her and the woman rest her head on her shoulder and bury its face on her neck "why are you so shy around me?" Minji asks once again as she grip on her waist

"N-nothing" stuttering? She didn't know why but Minji just do those things to her. Minji held her hand and interlace their fingers into one another as she smile sweetly

"Look at your hand on mine... Its so small" Minji said and she look at their hands she blushed as she saw how big Minji's hands and it looks cute with her hand on it "you should not get shy around me... " Minji tell her and she's clearly doing her best not to get shy anymore but she just can't help it

"I-i will t-try" she keeps on stuttering as she said those Minji look up at her and smile

"Don't stutter i feel like you're not comfortable around me" Minji smile at her as she shake her head actually the comfort that Minji brings in her is enough for her to want Minji so bad

"Give me more time to adjust... Because uhm you're so pretty and i can't still come at the conclusion that you're my girlfriend" she said and smile shyly

"Take your time baby" the second that Minji calls her baby she knew her heart is beating so fast like it's the first time she hear them.

Minji stays at her position, she love the way that Hanni's arm is hugging her into warm embrace and even she can't look directly at her eyes she knew Hanni is starring at her whenever she's not looking "is it really possible for you to love a woman like me?" Hanni asks again

Minji fix her position and rest her back at the cold wall of the room and scoot Hanni over to her arms so she's hugging her and Hanni is playing with her fingers "im here beside you right now do you think its impossible?" She said and kiss its forehead as she cupped her face and smile "i love you... I don't know why or how you can't see yourself the way i see you but i want you to know you're worth it... " she found Hanni smiling at those words as her eyes are settled on hers bravely starring back at her with a smile on her lips

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