chapter twenty three

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Hanni was leaning her head on her lovers shoulder, her head was empty, but her heart is full of sadness, her eyes are full of tears she wants Minji, to be always by her side but like what Minji had told her they can't always have what they want.

In their front is Minji's parents car they're actually like a convoy and their driver is Danielle and at the shotgun seat starring at her lover like she was in a museum and Danielle is a masterpiece like Monalisa.

"Hanni... Are you crying?" Minji asks her she look up and show Minji her eyes filled of tears the older raise her hand wipe them "aigoo, baby its just one month please don't cry" Minji had plead her but her eyes keeps on providing she's been over dramatic like it was the last time she'll see Minji this close, or the last time she will hold her in her arms

"But one month is too long baby... I get sad" she hear Minji sighs and place a soothing kiss on her forehead

"It's not that long baby stop thinking about it... I'll call you everytime i have the chance please baby...its hard for me too that 5 months with you is not long enough i need more months and years to spend with you" Minji held the woman by its waist as she pull her closer while her sister and Haerin just kept quiet.

They arrive at the Airport and they send Minji and Taehyung at their private plane they have exclusive passed at the airport since it was owned by one of her dad's friend so they can go inside. Before they got in at the plane she pull Hanni away a little and pull it to her chest and kiss its cheeks

"Ill be back okay? Just wait for me" Minji said and brushed their nose tips Hanni was controlling the tears coming out of her eyes but her grip tighten and feels like she's not going to let go anytime soon

"Be back please... " she said cutely.

Minji stare at her adorable lover and memorise every little detail of her cute feature and she sigh "i love you angel" she said Hanni nods and kiss her lips again then Jennie came closer and place her hand at Hanni's head and caressed them

"Sweetheart don't worry Minji will come back soon its just a month" Jennie said Hanni look at Minji's mom and back at her "you have to get used at this your girlfriend is a sucessor of her dad she have to leave everytime its important" Minji added so Hanni sigh and nods

"You will not replace me yeah?" Hanni asks and Jennie giggle and look at Minji

"Of course not baby oh god... How can i replace a beautiful lady like you?" Minji said then Jennie interrupts again

"We will break her bones if she tried" Jennie smirk and Minji just roll her eyes as Hanni giggle a little at least thats make her feel better

"Hah! Your own mom is on my side so you better not replace me" Hanni said strongly

"Yes boss... "

"Min! Lets go!" Taehyung said she look at her girl as they walk near the entrance of the plane with a one final lingering kiss on her girlfriend's lips and a hug to her siblings and mom

"I have to go... I love you Pham see you soon" Minji said and board on their private plane she look at the window to watch Hanni move a little away and stare at the plane with a glint of sadness on her eyes

"Remember what i told you? That being away from her will give her enough time to think about what her heart was beating for... If its love or just call of thankful for kindness... She have to know and figure out if she really loves you... If she does then I'll help you get her but if she doesn't im sorry Minji i will never help you" Taehyung said she look at her dad and yes, he have some point.

AUTUMN/Bbangsaz (NJ FF SERIES 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora