The Unexpected Journey

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I don't own the Hobbit or RWBY

A Voice said "My dear Frodo" A match is lit and being held to light a candle "You asked me once..." Walking down a hall holding the candle is Bilbo Baggins "...if I told you everything there was to know about my adventures" Bilbo pass another hallway "And while I can honesty..." Bilbo opens a trunk "...say I have told you..." He grabs a paper "...the truth..."

Underneath it is Sting and Bilbo stares at it "...I may not have told you all of it" Bilbo slowly reach out but he grabs a red book underneath another one and pulls it out before walking to a writing desk and place the book on it before opening it to reveal a picture of himself when he was young "I am old now, Frodo" Bilbo grabs the picture "I am not the same Hobbit I once was".

Bilbo smiles staring at the picture "I think..." Using a quill to put some ink on "It is time for you to know..." He holds it looking up "...what really happened" Looking back down and Bilbo begins to write "It began..." He writes the sentence "...long ago..." He sits in front of his writing desk " a land far away to the east..."

Moving away from the door "...the like of which you will not find in the world today" Fades to show the map moving away from the Shire towards a mountain "There was the city of Dale" Underneath the city is the Dale "Its markets known..." Citizens of Dale walk through the city "...far and wide" People buying, selling and running around "Full of bounties of wine and vale".

Couple smiling walking passing a carousel that children are riding "Peaceful and prosperous" Outside the city to show a structure at the base of a mountain "For the city lay before the doors..." Either side of the structure is giant statues "...of the greatest kingdom of Middle Earth: Erebor" A path is led up to the entrance and a river is seen by trees "Stronghold of Thror..."

Armoured Dwarves are pulling back their spears for a grey bearded Dwarf name Thror who nods "...King under the mountain" He walks along them with another Dwarf "Mightiest..." He stops to look over the rampart holding it "...of the Dwarf Lords" Inside the mountain is the throne room kingdom "Thror ruled with utter surety..." Giant statures of armoured Dwarves.

A long path is seen "...never doubting his house would endure..." A Dwarf is seen walking on it "...for his line lay secure..." Walking up the stairs is black to grey beard Dwarf name Thrain " the lives of his son..." Standing next to the Thror is a young, bearded Dwarf name Throin "...and grandson" A few Dwarves are on some stairs "Ah, Frodo" A Dwarf is walking up "Erebor".

More of Erebor is seen "Built deep within the mountain itself..." But below is more of the city "...the beauty of this fortress city was legend" The city showed so deep inside "Its wealth lay in the earth..." In a room a Dwarf is using a tool to pick up a few gems " precious gems hewn..." Thror and Thrain walk pass the Dwarves that are examining the gems "...from rock and in great seams of gold..."

In the mines are thousands of Dwarves mining the rocks "...running like rivers through stone" Some mining through an area of gold "The skill of the Dwarves..." Five Dwarves are using hammers to hit a hot item one at a time "...was unequalled, fashioning objects..." A Dwarf using a glove to pick up a hot item "...of great beauty..." He holds it above him for two giant hammers to hit it and the Dwarf lowers the item.

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