TBI 18: Hunt

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[ Chapter 18: Hunt ]

Selene | Selvy

The days that unfolded after I crossed paths with the Commander of the Blue Steel and his trusted companions were far from the fabulous tale one might expect. In fact, the word "fabulous" would be a gross misrepresentation of the relentless challenges and dangers that plagued our every step. Sarcasm dripped from my every word as I reflected on the tumultuous journey I was unwittingly thrust into.

Each passing day brought new encounters with creatures both mythical and mundane. From the menacing Dalaysian creatures that lurked in the shadows to relentless human adversaries determined to capture me and claim the bounty on my head, there was no respite from the constant pursuit. The mere thought of finding solace in a peaceful slumber became nothing more than a distant dream.

Sleep, once a sanctuary of rest and rejuvenation, had become an elusive luxury. Instead of blissful dreams, my nights were plagued by restless tossing and turning, plagued by the ever-looming threat that awaited us at every turn. Even in the brief moments of respite, a sense of unease lingered in the air, an unshakable reminder that danger was always lurking just beyond the horizon.

The days blurred together in a never-ending cycle of adrenaline-fueled escapades, leaving little time for reflection or reprieve. Each sunrise brought with it a new set of challenges and obstacles to overcome. There was no room for complacency, no moment of peace to savor. Survival became the sole focus, as we navigated treacherous terrain and outmaneuvered our relentless pursuers.

So, as I look back on those days, I can't help but shake my head at the irony of calling them fabulous. The reality was far from glamorous or enchanting. It was a test of endurance, a relentless battle against forces that sought to claim my life. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope remained, fueling my determination to forge ahead and reclaim control of my destiny, no matter the cost.

"Selene, get down!"

Rinig kong sambit ni Admiral. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I quickly heeded to his warning and dropped to the ground. The sound of a gunshot reverberated through the air, followed by the thud of a collapsing figure. To my disbelief, the fallen creature was none other than a shark that had transformed into a human. I couldn't help but voice my exasperation at the absurdity of the situation.

"Can this get any better?" I exclaimed incredulously. "Are we seriously being chased by sharks now?!"

Lutch, appearing on the scene with his spear stained with blood, joined in the conversation. Despite the intensity of the battle, he managed to maintain his rugged good looks, albeit with a sheen of sweat adding to his charm. "They're not just chasing us, Selene," Lutch clarified, his voice steady and composed. "They're specifically after you."

Meanwhile, Valan's calm voice resonated through the earpiece we all wore, offering tactical guidance to the team. "Admiral, three o'clock. Lutch, position yourself to the right."

Admiral, clearly frustrated by the turn of events, cursed under his breath before springing into action, following Valan's instructions. Lutch, ever the jovial spirit, couldn't resist adding a touch of humor to the dire situation.

"Oh, my god, I'm going to need a beer after this!" Admiral exclaimed, his voice laced with both exhaustion and determination.

"And a feast!" Lutch chimed in, his appetite undeterred by the sight of sea creatures-turned-adversaries. "Seeing all these sea creatures just makes me even more ravenous!"

As we continued to fend off our relentless pursuers, I couldn't help but marvel at the camaraderie and resilience of my companions. Despite the dangers that surrounded us, they look like they are playing.

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