TBI 46: Epilogue

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[ Epilogue ]

—The Breath of a new life—

Leading Adelaide for the past 25 years has been an incredible journey. The once devastated cove has been transformed into a thriving haven where merpeople live freely and securely. Over time, I earned the trust and loyalty of the merfolk, becoming their beloved Queen. It fills my heart with joy to witness their growth and resilience.

With Sigrid's assistance, we established the Royal Knights, a group of dedicated merfolk who pledged to protect our precious cove. Their unwavering commitment and bravery have ensured the safety of our community. As the years passed, our reputation spread, and ships occasionally stopped by our shores. We extended our genuine gratitude and hospitality to these visitors, forging connections and fostering goodwill. We also embraced the concept of trade, exchanging goods with humans for items that made our lives easier and more efficient.

The merfolk gradually adapted to their new home, embracing the new Adelaide with pride and a sense of belonging. Our cove has become a nurturing environment where future generations will flourish and thrive. We imparted our knowledge and wisdom to the young ones, ensuring that they understand the rich history and traditions of our people.

Our community continues to evolve and grow, driven by a shared vision of unity and harmony. The spirit of Adelaide pulses through every merperson, reminding us of our strength and resilience. We celebrate our victories, learn from our challenges, and forge a path towards a prosperous future.

Though the outside world may remain unaware of our existence, within the boundaries of Adelaide, we have created a sanctuary where love, compassion, and understanding reign supreme. We have built a society that cherishes individuality, celebrates diversity, and fosters a deep connection with the ocean that sustains us.

As I reflect on the remarkable transformation, I am filled with gratitude for the merfolk who entrusted me with their leadership. Their unwavering support and unwavering dedication have been the driving force behind our success. We have created a haven beneath and above the waves, where the merfolk of Adelaide can live in harmony with the ocean and each other. With every passing day, our bond grows stronger, and our collective spirit shines brighter.

As the sun sets over our majestic cove, I am filled with hope and anticipation for the future of Adelaide. I am confident that the next generation will carry the torch of our legacy, ensuring that our cherished home remains a beacon of peace, love, and unity for all merfolk who call it their own.

"Your Majesty."

Sigrid's troubled voice interrupted me. I was so engrossed in my work that I didn't hear his footsteps entering my office. My office was located at the top of the hill where it oversees the entire abode of Adelaide.

"What is it now?" I uttered, not minding his presence and continued on what I was doing before he came.

"The young princess has gone missing, again."

His voice pulsated with worry and urgency that made my hands halt from writing post scripts. I looked at Sigrid and my hint was right, he did look nervous and worried.

"Have you tried looking at the lagoons?" I said in a calm demeanor. This is not the first time that my child run off from her bodyguards and explored the wonders of the Cove.

"We did search the entire cove before I implore you to report her whereabouts," he explained.

I heaved a sigh and postponed my work. I stood from my chair and walked past Sigrid and reached the wide rectangular window.

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