TBI 07: Damsel

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[ Chapter 7: Damsel ]

Selene | Selvy

The deafening echo of a terrifying growl reverberated through the entire road, sending shivers down my spine. In that moment, it felt as if the boundary between my dream and reality had blurred, merging into a nightmarish fusion. I dreamed about this, and now it's finally here. The primal sound filled the air, carrying an unmistakable sense of danger and malevolence. It was as though the creatures from the darkest corners of my imagination had been unleashed, roaming freely in the world around me.

Fear gripped my heart, tightening its hold with each passing second, as the once-familiar surroundings transformed into a twisted manifestation of my subconscious fears. The line between fantasy and reality had been irrevocably crossed, and I found myself trapped in a surreal nightmare that seemed all too real. Every instinct within me screamed to run, to escape the clutches of this haunting reality, yet a part of me remained frozen, unable to break free from the grip of terror.

My eyes widened in disbelief as I witnessed Admiral being propelled several meters away by the powerful forelimbs of the formidable werehorse. The force of the impact was staggering, sending him soaring through the air before crashing onto the unforgiving ground. The sheer strength displayed by the werehorse was awe-inspiring and sent a surge of fear coursing through my veins. It was a stark reminder of the immense power possessed by these Dalaysian creatures, capable of inflicting devastating blows with ease.

As Admiral lay sprawled on the ground, momentarily stunned by the brutal attack, I felt a surge of concern and urgency to help him. The sight of his body being hurled through the air served as a chilling reminder of the imminent danger we faced.

"You're not going to help him?" I uttered towards the man who stood beside me, also witnessing one of his men being overpowered. Nanatiling nakatayo si Valan malapit sa amin at hindi ko maintindihan kung bakit. "Where is Lutch? Bakit hindi niyo siya kasama?"

"Admiral can take care of that werehorse," Valan said without a hint of worry. Both of his hands clasped behind him as he stood too dignified like he wasn't bothered by the scene. "As you can see, Admiral is fond of tales, and fighting with a werecreature is one of his bucket list."

Napamaang na lamang ako. The once bustling road now stood eerily empty, as if the werehorse and his sinister black smoke companions had cast a spell of desolation upon the surroundings. The usual sounds of traffic and human activity were replaced by an unsettling silence that hung heavy in the air.

It was as though the world had paused, holding its breath in anticipation of the impending confrontation. The absence of any witnesses to the unfolding events only heightened the sense of isolation and vulnerability. The werehorse's arrival had seemingly banished all signs of life, leaving behind a haunting emptiness that amplified the tension and foreboding in the atmosphere.

Napapaisip pa rin ako kung bakit lagi niya akong natutunton. Is it because of my scream? Sa lakas ng sigaw ko ay parang may kakaibang dala ito sa ibang nilalang. He appeared after my voice echoed, and he said that I screamed again after four days and fourteen hours. Why is he chasing me?!

"Can you explain what is going on?" Desperation welled up within me as I pleaded for an explanation, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and confusion.

I approached Valan's post, drawn to his enigmatic presence, and fixed my gaze upon his profile, hoping to find some solace in his response. However, despite my intense longing for answers, he maintained his steadfast silence. His eyes, filled with a depth of knowledge and understanding, seemed to hold secrets that were beyond my grasp. It was as if he knew the truth but chose to keep it locked away, leaving me to navigate this unsettling situation with only fragments of information.

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