Humans Exist Now (Part Two)

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Recap: Zeus = angry at Prometheus; Zeus punished Prometheus with the rock and eagle thing. Now, Zeus wanted to punish Epimetheus even though he had nothing to do with humankind.

Basically, Zeus commissioned Hephaestus to create a really pretty human in the image of the goddesses. He did (because he's good at his job). Then, Zeus asked Athena to bestow the pretty human with wisdom and stuff. He asked Hera to give her womanliness. Finally, Zeus gave this human the gift of curiosity. (And a name) Her name was Pandora, and she was the first woman to ever inhabit the earth (the titanesses and goddesses don't count).

Zeus gifted her as a bride to Epimetheus, alongside a wedding present. Fun fact: PANDORA'S BOX WAS NEVER A BOX. IT WAS A PITHOS. A PITHOS. (That's like an olive oil jar.) When Zeus gave the pithos to Pandora and Epimetheus, he told the happy couple to never open the pithos or else.

See, Epimetheus was completely fine with this. However, Pandora, since she had been gifted with the curse of curiosity, needed to open it. The suspense was literally killing her. So, she did what any reasonable person would do. She opened it. Guess what happened?

When she opened it,

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