Episode VII: Slime Out Who Close

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It was was the 3rd of trial Adams was still coming down on Von hard. The judge still wanted to see this special witness.

Judge: Mister Adams please bring your witness out please.

Adam: okay your honor I would like to call Carlson Baker to the stand aka Rondo number 9.

Von just dropped his head he been knew dude told on him but it still hurt to see him take the stand. Adams got right on it with him.

Adams: is it True that mister Von here and T.Roy had you drive them to the 63rd bus stop and kill Taquan Mac?

Rondo just sat there looking at Von saying nothing. 

Adams getting nervous: Carlson is it true that you seen with your eye Von and T.Roy kill Taquan aka Tooka.

Rondo still didn't say nothing.

Adams now screaming: Carlson did you see.

Judge cutting him off: I think your witness has nothing to say.

Back in the hood L.Roy and Reck was walking the hood chilling smoking. When K.I and Lil Moe hit the cut on some crazy shit hitting. One of the shorties blow back K.I shot him all in his shit another was running K.I hit him in the head. L.Roy and Reck blow back now they having a big ass shootout in the middle of the O. Lil Moe get hit in the arm. K.I got graced by a shorties in the face shot turn to the side and face him. Police came everybody took off.

Kayla was in the car when she get a call from an unknown number. She pick up its Von baby momma Keema.

Keema: Kay

Kayla: Keem.

Keema: yes girl you talk to von ?

Kayla: no not for likes a damn month or two. I got into it with Derick and he told Von and Von took his side.

Keema: no you fucking that nigga tryna to give your brother life that's fucked up.

Kayla: it ain't hot nothing to do with me Keema.

Keema: girl it do that's your brother come on Kay but look I'm having something for my son I was tryna to see if you can get Von to call your burner but I see you still fucking the police so I don't you don't have it. So I guess I got to ask one of the twins damn shame. Better make that shit right with your brother I'm gone see you Sunday.

Kayla: bye Keema.

Keema: bye.

Back in court Von defense team was putting up a simple fight but a big one.

Davis: Your honor as you all see this case is just another pro failing of a black man. A kid and his friend who may I say lost is life to gun violence. And he had to be here and may I say he was picked up right when he got the news about his grandmother another person he did not get to say goodbye to. All because of a man who placed himself on the murder scene. If anything he should be the one on trial not Dayvon. There is not gun putting him there no phone of anything just this eye witness who has already admitted he was apart of the murder. So do you want to be that judge of the jewelry of 12 to send another black kid aways for life for nothing? That's all I rest my case.

Judge: that lil speech was very touching how ever it's up to me is up to this Jewelry of 12. This courtroom is in recess for 3 hour I'm ready to wrap this up today.

On the outside Reck was in his car on his way down town to wait outside of Von trial. He come to a red light somebody with a mask on get out a black truck 3 or 4 cars down from him soon as Reck looked to the side. It was Kane he pulled down his mask and gave him 3 face shots ran off.

Back in court it was time for the jewelry to make their choice. 

Judge: so we all know why we are here jewelry what it's your verdict.

Jewelry number one: We the jewelry find Dayvon Bennet first degree murder and two counts of attempted murder.

She paused Von heart beating  hundred miles per hour.

His momma and sister eyes big just starring hoping praying

Jewelry number. Not guilty

The court room went crazy Von happy as hell he was finally coming home.

Judge screaming: aye order in my court order in my court.

Everybody got quite.

Judge: lil young man stay out of trouble you will back home in a hour the case it's dismissed.

As Von was being walked back and his family was leaving his mom get a Call then screamed out loud. Von turning around bout to walk to her but the police grabbed him and told he had to wait to speak with her. Von just turned around but he knew something was wrong.

L.Roy was at the hospital when her mom and Kayla rushed in.

Kim: where is my baby at.

L.Roy: he in the back they ain't trying to let me know nothing.

Kayla: where was he shot?

L.Roy got mad as hell walking up on Kayla: the same ducking face you smacked him in. He told me bout that too bitch.

Kayla: chill the fuck out he is shot.

L.Roy screaming: yeah he is I don't know why you hear fuck this family remember that bitch just leave.

Kim crying: can y'all just shut the fuck up my son in laid back there and y'all bitches and talking bout nothing right now. Look I don't care what y'all got going on just chill .

Adams walks in with some more officers he walked us and kissed Kayla.

Kayla: hey bae what are you doing here.

Adams: I'm just here to find out who shot Derick and  why and to check and you.

Kayla: okay do you know if he is okay or not?

Adams i will when I get up there I just lost a case as you seen  so let me get up stairs.

Soon as he hugged her in walked Durk and Von

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